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I North King

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    I North King

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  1. Oh I'm 100% addicted to caffeine but I do work 11 hours shifts and box and fit gaming time in so I use it for that
  2. Thanks again everyone
  3. Thanks guys! And noted I will thank you
  4. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. I North King What is your current RS name? I North King List any previous RS names: Mahjarrat Z old name Alts Level 60 pure Saiyan War Level 80 zerk Mahjarrat V3 What is your total level and combat level? 109 CB level 1523 total level What Timezone are you in? Gmt Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. Started playing before RS2 and have played on and off every since always made pking builds but have built my current account as a med level with 75 def will probably get 80 when I can afford masori ECT and also want to boss and raid with it. Account name is because of where I am from the north of England and other names of alts are centred around things I like (dragon ball z) (the mahjarrat in old school) Tell us about your clan history. Was in a clan for about a year that disbanded and had a break from clans since then cannot remember the name was just invited to CC wasn't a big clan and have been in frontier PVM at one point Tell us about your yourself. I'm 32 male from England, middlesbrough to be specific. I box and kickbox and into fitness and actively fight and compete. I work as an industrial mechanic on windfarms and also love gaming How did you hear about us? Old school discord What makes you want to join us? I want a big active clan that does frequent PVP and bossing/raids and the fact your clan has been around so long and is well known makes it seem like the perfect fit for myself and a good place to hone my gaming skills Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you:
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