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  1. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. Tammilyn What is your current RS name? Tammilyn List any previous RS names: Tigir Thane, Tigir Thanos (Both in main/modern RS, around 2010s), Tammy Btw (UIM account when I was trying the game mode) What is your total level and combat level? My current total level is 1383 and current combat level is 88. What Timezone are you in? EST Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. According to our good friend Hans, I started playing modern RuneScape in 2008. (6,031 days ago, specifically!) My current favorite skills to do in the game are Slayer and Mining, specifically Motherlode Mine. Once Sailing comes out I will no doubt be interested in that too! I am really, really interested in learning how to PK, especially in groups. I have played many MMOs with PvP, but never got too into RuneScape PKing. I hope to learn someday. My name is my chosen name + "lyn". I use it as an alias for a lot of my online activity. Tell us about your clan history. I have been in quite a few clans such as Skittle Squad, OSRS LGBT, The White Knights and Flax Kingdom on OSRS. Back in the day I was part of a roleplaying clan called That Saradomin Group. None of these clans really did any sort of PKing, which as stated I'm hoping to learn for my endgame. Tell us about your yourself. My name is Tammy, I am a trans woman from Northeast USA. My education level is a social science associate's degree. Most of the time throughout the day I will spend playing MMORPGs such as World of Warcraft, Archeage, Final Fantasy XIV, and our beloved Old School RuneScape. I like LGBT+ friendly spaces with a little bit of banter. I don't enjoy places that make me feel uncomfortable about my identity, or make me have to hide any part of myself as a trans woman. How did you hear about us? I heard about this clan through the OSRS Discord. What makes you want to join us? I want to join the Wilderness Guardians because I want to learn how to PK, as well as have fun events in between PK sessions. It wouldn't hurt to also make friends along the way :P Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I am a newbie when it comes to PKing and I am quite inexperienced with RS in general, as I didn't play much as a kid. I also have been through joining a few clans in the past so I understand the hesitation to accept me into this one.
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