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Everything posted by WG EXOW

  1. Confusing af
  2. WG EXOW

    [Accepted] Lohow

    Oh shit welcome back brother give this dude his rank back
  3. And that out of your mouth witz 99 rc and over 2k total psshhhttttt
  4. Welcome bud
  5. Ai ai ai i can i lose my ags to you?!
  6. God damn what a beautiful and handsome guy
  7. @Ghost Sabre told me to welcome you. Welcome klootzak
  8. I brid you anytime bro
  9. @Vio still nr 1 Recruiter Welcome bud
  10. Welcome bud
  11. added you
  12. Anyone playin cs go? I used to be a heavy acc Seller in cs go like boosting to global etc, just started yesterday to play again. If someone plays too leave me ur Steam name and il add you
  13. Welcome back Brother
  14. Did i miss something? @WG Ross lmfao
  15. Oh Shit you alive dude
  16. Daaaaaaaaaayum Gurl its gettin hot in here marry me i leave my wife promise
  17. Pm me for f Cape first brotha then do hunter Aids skills
  18. Scottish? Damn Mist be i0wns alt acc Anyways welcome
  19. Hoşgeldin arkadaşım
  20. Ffdp is dope totally forgot about their existance lol
  21. I need some music, listening Alot to Nightwish and Beartooth atm but i need some Inspiration
  22. And where is my gp?!?!?! Jobaneeeee
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