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Day i k0ed

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Everything posted by Day i k0ed

  1. Sounds like a plan! looking forward to the reply (will it be posted here)? You are totally right! Might sound like empty words cause of my past failiours, but i really do plan to stay this time!
  2. Day i k0ed Tell us about yourself. Hello! Im Jonas a 22yr old male from Norway. My current occupation is child services. On my spare time i work out, play a decent amount of sports (football, volleyball, basket). I recently started up with rs again after a year gone. I started playing Runescape back in 2004 after a friend introduced me to the game and was addicted for a while :') Clan history. I used to be in WG back in 2014 but left due to a poor judgment call. From here i joined AC, were i stayed a couple of days but left due to shady leader. i hit up rs3 and joined zero pvm and was there for about 4 months, i left zero to join SG the rs3 part of WG in 2016 were i was for 6 ish months cant quite remember. i than joined legend crashers and quit the game for a year, wich leads us today! How did you hear about us? Zybez waaaay back in the day Do you plan to join? ideally, if possible Any last comments? Throw me some questions if you would like to know more :') didnt want to make a WALL OF TEXT hehe.
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