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WG Jester

Honoured Guardian
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Everything posted by WG Jester

  1. I was worried I wouldn’t have enough free time to play and keep up with the clan. But, since I’ve gotten 2 99’s and have been working on several others, I feel safe saying I have the time to at least not get inactivity swept again.
  2. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. WG Jester What is your current RS name? WG Jester List any previous RS names: Weelad Gimli What is your total level and combat level? 124 combat and 2038 total level. Images too big to post from mobile. Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. I’ve been playing since ~2006 on and off, with a large decline in activity between the addition of EoC in rs3 and a renewed interest in Osrs in 2017. The majority of my activity back in the day was clue scrolls, quests and Clan Wars while nowadays it’s getting easy 99s and working on achievement diaries. My brother was the original owner of this account and had applied to WG at the beginning of this accounts history with the clan. He lost interest in the game and I took over this account. Tell us about your clan history. I only became interested in clans with the addition of clan wars, where I joined the RuneScape Scorpions for a short amount of time. Clan activity was low and so I joined the Imperial Forces, a clan focused on Clan Wars. I worked my way to Warlord where I focused on target calls while tanking during clan battles. After a couple clan wars updates, I lost interest and eventually fell into inactivity. I wouldn’t join another clan until I took over my brothers account while he was in WG. WG was a clan we had both admired and aspired to join since finding their flash animations on newgrounds; we could never satisfy the join requirements however. I pk’d and did events with the clan up until the beginning of 2020 where my computer died and I was swept for inactivity. A new computer and increased comfort on the mobile version of the game gives me the ability to reapply. Tell us about your yourself. My name is Stevie, I’m 28 from Kentucky, USA. I’m a big YouTube enthusiast and love all the osrs content that gets uploaded. I troubleshoot computer hardware and software problems as a hobby. I used to play guitar and I hope I can buy a decent one soon to start playing again. I have a touch of college of education but never graduated. I help run the front end (baggers and cashiers and everything else implied) of one of the busiest supermarkets in my company, so I have some people skills forced upon me. I like all sorts of music and as such I’ve made YouTube playlists for the stuff I like. You can find them here at https://www.youtube.com/user/steeveewuzzheer1992 I like tequila, scary stories and internet culture in general. There isnt much I dislike but I guess if something pops up it might be worth mentioning. How did you hear about us? Newgrounds through a flash animation when searching for other RuneScape related content What makes you want to join us? The age of the clan lends a prestigious air to the name and the clan culture seems very much centered around welcoming all players and instilling in them a respect for the game and integrity in general. Also His Lordship is a hunk, god damn look at those muscles Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I think I scammed someone from a rune platebody in like 2007 but I’ve been pretty passive since then.
  3. "Consolidate" can definitely end up meaning "we're going to narrow down which kind of PvP is going to be best for PKers and also the health of the game in general, and everyone else can play it or not", which is probably the better way to go. I kinda wish they'd approach a new skill in this manner.
  4. not even lvl 120 gay what a casual welcome back fella
  5. WG Jester


    i appreciate leadership that can shitpost
  6. hopefully jared can find a way to make pvp entirely irrelevant or something everyone can get into
  7. WG Jester

    [Accepted] Bry4n

    holy shit, bry4n actually applying? who can we give shit to for being unranked now?
  8. welcome back choco. approved asap, ez
  9. Here's a clan war video i was in like 12 years ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTpOM8ulvkA
  10. WG Jester

    [Accepted] Hecs

    bring this man back, we need his ely rng
  11. welcome back. hope to see you at an event besides a corp run, eh?
  12. Welcome to the board. Your application looks good, but skull tricking goes against the honour code. i'd hope you don't do this if you ever represent WG. either way, good luck on your app!
  13. welcome to the forums and good luck on your app
  14. We just call that good merch. Good application. Welcome to the clan and good luck.
  15. WG Jester

    [Declined] koip

    add some meat to this application. one or two sentence answers make it seem like low-effort. good luck and welcome.
  16. Yooo that was me and Mojo! Hey @Mojo can this one count as a recruit for me so I can get honored? lol. Anyway, welcome fella. Sorry we killed you. Good luck.
  17. Good luck, fella. Looking forward to seeing you level up with us.
  18. I'm happy to see a company pose an actual threat to Twitch. Hope they do well and don't flop immediately. I hope to see a similar website provide an actual alternative to YouTube.
  19. The current raids 1 is a very abstract version of Dungeoneering with a narrower scope of theme and less of an emphasis on skill use and puzzle solving. Dungeoneering, as it stands, lets you explore separate levels of dungeons, each one uniquely generated with skill checks, puzzle rooms, battle rooms, resource rooms and boss rooms. You get experience based on your clear speed, your dungeon completion and your deaths. There are several different sets of dungeons which change based on how far you get. Dungeons are generated based on your combat and your skills, with some challenges you can complete and some you cannot. Similarities between Raids 1 and Dungeoneering include randomized levels (raids 1 being way less random than dungeoneering though), gauntlets of bosses (with dungeoeering having a boss fight at the end of every dungeon), a rewards system based on points earned and points earned based on performance (raids 1 gives better chance at a reward as your points go up, dungeoneering gives you 10% of exp gained as tokens, which can buy permanent or temporary rewards), and the ability to run solo or run dungeons with a team. If you were to ever going to log in to RS3 again to do anything, I would suggest doing dungeoneering. Its definitely a skill in minigame form but holy shit is it fun.
  20. Aw man, dungeoneering was super fun. You missed out.
  21. > 'more skills better game' mentality was the fall of rs3. RS3 only added Summoning, Dungeoneering, Divination and Invention, only one of which being a pretty big deal. Even then, summoning and dungeoneering were part of rs2.
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