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Slayer Chief

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  • RS Name
    WG Slayer

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Slayer Chief's Achievements

  1. Vote for Rev Caves 2
  2. John, the most unique of names.
  3. Welcome
  4. Fishing/woodcutting
  5. I read a lot of fantasy. Been reading the Wheel of Time and The Expanse recently.
  6. Welcome
  7. Cool, no need to get fancy titles in Mojo's head
  8. Welcome. Did you call Mojo "his lordship"?
  9. Welcome
  10. Welcome
  11. Mobile-only Ironman anyone?
  12. Welcome fellow slayer with obviously good tastes.
  13. Welcome
  14. If it's runescape mobile my work productivity is going to grind to a halt. My guess is they're over-hyping something minor. Best case announcement is that they are greatly expanding the osrs team to create more content.
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