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  1. I've been all over the United States - Seattle, Chicago, New York, Florida, Tennessee, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Oklahoma, Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio. I've also been to Mexico twice, Brazil, and Canada.
  2. welcome gl
  3. What's your favorite NFL Football Team? Mine is the Chicago Bears.
  4. Anyone else as excited as I am for the new WoW expansion?
  5. My name is Matt.
  6. okay
  7. Thanks mate, I posted app took me a while sorry.
  8. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process.
  9. Shinori Tell us about yourself. I'm 26 Years old, my name is Matt. I've played rs for 10+ years. I also enjoy other games like league, call of duty, and WoW. Clan history. How did you hear about us? Runescape Forums and Youtube Do you plan to join? Yes Any last comments? Hi to Everyone!
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