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Honoured Guardian
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About Brandon

  • Birthday 01/01/1993


  • RS Name
    B r a n d on

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Brandon's Achievements

  1. After getting my but kicked 4 times because I was trying to feed baby and do it I decided to drop the baby and kill her quick. hahaha
  2. Your the first one to get it!!!!!!!!!! Free 1b for you!!! but rs3 mills :)
  3. Thank you!
  4. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. WG Bear Previous Acceptance My Resignation What is your current RS name? WG Bear List any previous RS names: WG Brandon What is your total level and combat level? CMB LVL:120.6 Total Level: 1840 Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. I was Honored Guardian previously but took a break from RS. Starting to play more and I'm always in CC would like to be a member again. Tell us about your clan history. WG Tell us about your yourself. My name is Brandon and I'm 29. I play when I get time from work or when the kids let me. I just enjoy playing I don't go for max efficiency. I was in WG about 4 years ago maybe but I've never left CC still good friends with a lot of the members. Above with my combat information I linked my old posts. How did you hear about us? Prev. Member What makes you want to join us? I have came back to RS trying to get my rank back. I know they used to I wasn't sure if you guys still do that. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: N/A
  5. hi bb

    1. Brandon


      Miss you since u turned off Public comments on your profile!!! Better still have my ring and remember our vowels it's about time to renew them!

    2. Lait Choco

      Lait Choco

      ofcourse I do!

  6. Welcome to WG! Hope we exceed your expectations! Don't forget to stay active and do your REQS to graduate to full membership eventually :) If you need anything please PM me here, IN-Game, or or Discord I'm Brandon(BMF Bear) on discord.
  7. Come and get your love

  8. Brandon

    [Declined] Zornah

    I worked with him to get him in forums and discord.. Seems like a very cool person and I am excited to get the chance to hangout with him. I think he will be a really good fit to the clan and as long as he keeps his attendance up and gets through the first trials member parts everything will be fine..
  9. First post because I am boss and care about Fargorn and what he has to say! This event looks like to could be a blast and maybe make a little money on the side. But just a fight pits together with another clan could be interesting. Can't wait to see who will pick it up to host it and hopefully we can pull big ops to look good. I really wanna try to attend this! I'll subscribe to forum to see which event master picks this up and fumbles it.
  10. I am also very late sorry Mojo, I have just been in a funk lately. But Happy Birthday I hope you went out and had a good time with loved ones. Unlike that jerk @Adult Cat
  11. Why did you word it like that? Are you okay or do you have limited time left? Hope it was just me over reading it friend!
  12. This is my kitty kat. Please don't talk to him, feed him, pet him or give alcohol. 10 out of 10 times he is drunk and seems like a nice social creature but it is how he gets his prey. The intoxicated predator once spoken to then verbally abuses pray and sucks out its life force. You can survive the attack just stay calm 9/10 he will pass out in the middle of an attack. 


    Also very cute and cuddly.  Picture Attached!

    You have been warned. Also I do not share my kitty pettens they are all mine. 


  13. Its okay the new comers still need to know him from discord. Incase he would try to flex his powers as rs3 staff (he doesn't know how to use them btw hahaha got proof). You can just put Discord rs3 noobs/traders/heartbreakers/mainlyonlycaraboutkush or something along them lines. Or you could not do anything. I don't care you fixed mine I'm happy. I do miss seeing you online and playing checkers/Barbarian Outpost Lait Choco is King and secretly is mojo handler soooo it will happen.
  14. Welcome to WG hope to see you around
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