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Honoured Guardian
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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Welcome Thorin ! Hope to get a chance to meet you and make your life happier. I'll watch for you to login
  2. Brandon

    [Accepted] Drubbz

    Welcome Drew! Hope to see you around! I hate black demon tasks
  3. You are short and to the point. Welcome to WG!!! Don't forget what Slumptality said
  4. Welcome to WG Don't forget to message a app manager on discord when your 48 hours is up. Everyone forgets that part. <3
  5. Welcome Mr.Clean! I hope you are not a genie with bad intentions. Hope to see you around!
  6. Nice to meet you! 26 hours till you can message app manager
  7. Brandon

    [Accepted] mika1

    I already gave her the creepy stalker example
  8. Haha hes good at the talking backwardz
  9. You are very welcome. You did hurt me though you never told me you posted and im sad I couldn't be first!
  10. Welcome back to the drug fuel rush called Runescape! Very nice to meet in you cc and I'm glad you decided to rejoin.I'm sure you'll notice we are still the elite.
  11. Brandon

    [Accepted] mika1

    Why hello! Nice to see you made it to the forums friend! I'm glad you took the time and made it nice also. I hope you keep putting in the time on osrs to get your stats up and attend events! Can't wait to see you. PS i love you
  12. Welcome to WG! Nice to see you on forums! Glad I got to meet you in cc friend! No more botting and Runescape is like heroin FYI. Plus your amazing friend!
  13. Hello Cylde! I'm Brandon I live in US also PA to be exacterrr ;) Welcome back to the needle!
  14. Welcome! You can never quit Runescape its called taking a break! Its worse than heroin.. :(
  15. Welcome to WG! Very nice app hope you stay active and don't get bored here. Join or discord and game cc (wg_cc) and in 48 hours you can message an app manager, Mojo or Slumptality on Discord. Also I'm sure you'll make a lot of friends. Mental Health Issues is my specialty. You'll get along fine friend.
  16. Thanks for the help friend. I like you the most already!
  17. Welcome friend very nice post! I hope to see you around when you get accepted. If you need any help just pm me! Also I like opiates to so mail me some and we can be bffs! Also I like how you say real account. How many fake ones you have
  18. How you do that? Please teach me
  19. Very nice app! Welcome back friend glad you decided to rejoin! Why is the prayer symbol in your picture yellow though? o.O
  20. Very nice app! Welcome to WG grind them levels stay off madden :)
  21. I came here just because it said you posted and i wanted to see your bank pic... comeon!
  22. God first mod Jed now this. Put some effort into backgrounds checks Jagex.
  23. Good luck and nice post. Been seeing you in cc alot
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