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High Guardian
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Everything posted by GurtJun

  1. Def agree with lait, HOT AF YESTERDAY Like 36 degrees C Which is unusual for the netherlands At my work we dont even have airco or alot of windows, so it felt even hotter... Still living tho XD
  2. GurtJun

    I am stuck

    Thank you captain obvious Kappa
  3. Arthur: Legend of the sword Any Marvel movie XD Spectral All of the LOTR and Hobbit movies ( i believe theres 6 now ) Extinction As you can maybe already tell, its all Sci-Fi meanwhile, ive been thinking of some good shows The 100 (like Darq Laydee and Wessox mentioned) Breaking Bad (old but still very good!) Prison Break (also somewhat old but i quite enjoyed it)
  4. Can i recommend some movies? (netflix) you asked for shows, but theres no (uncanceled) show i can think of right now
  5. Youre in the right cc for that Welcome
  6. Hey man, good app Glad you applied and put a good effort in! Im sure youll get accepted
  7. Upon clicking "mark site read", the page for it(https://www.wildernessguardians.com/forums/discover/unread/) doesnt refresh. whereas before the update it did bug, feature or both?
  8. killing any iconic monster: (hob)goblins, hill giants, flesh crawlers etc telegrabbing zammy wines chopping willow logs in draynor fly fishing in lumbridge the list goes on and on and on.....
  9. GurtJun

    [Accepted] Lohow

    Oh shit, haha Wb man
  10. Bank made! Didnt even know that item existed lmao
  11. i just buy 1 of everything i need, all excess belongs to the loot some of the tools i have (hammer, tinderbox, lobster pot etc.) are in the loot tab aswell also, i dont have a pk tab, so thats a bonus i guess i think the loot tab is turning out great i have no idea how long this took, thats the one thing i dont keep track of LOL
  12. very nice app man welcome
  13. We need more people like this Welcome
  14. GurtJun

    [Accepted] Zeph RS

    Even tho i dont remember grinding for a torso ever... Thank you i guess welcome back!
  15. hey man, welcome nice app
  16. Overture, Monkey Badness and the inferno track are all bangers!
  17. Id love to see the text areas for recaps to be resizeable The scroll bar is annoying when you create a long recap (screenshot, white spaces etc) Tbh i didnt even know this topic existed
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