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High Guardian
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Everything posted by GurtJun

  1. FARG, YOU NEED TO GIVE THAT TO ME! RIGHT NOW! one of my fav pets also: ew, rc
  2. dont feel like leaving it here lol and atleast some people got to see it
  3. A clown held the door open for me today, I thought it was a very nice jester. What said the buffalo to his son? Bi son
  4. yep, rng on point lately now all i need is a big pvm drop
  5. https://gyazo.com/58562872c91063052f6aeca06ae04db0 Monk's Robes (g) To put it into perspective: i dont hope all my rng is gone now XD
  6. edit: sorry, not a joke. but still funny
  7. OFFENSE WARNING @HuskingtonLMK if this is too dark/not allowed lol
  8. ( there is already a similair topic like this btw btw )
  9. Fiat Seicento Abarth in red 0-100kmh in a whopping 13s lol I still have it, tho im looking for a new car, Suzuki Swift Sport Im not much of a car guy, so please dont ask for specifics most likely wont know what i have or what it is
  10. https://gyazo.com/0bee265c58e9ad419cbda0fd75d1e64a Classmate and i were planning on making a space shooter game (browser based) all the way to the right is the ship you'd control, others are enemies. we never even got started on the project LOL anyway, all of those are created by me, from scratch please be gentle when rating them XD
  11. Welcome, nice app And youre not the only one
  12. GurtJun

    1st pet

    "You cannot switch worlds so soon after combat" pkers? anyways, grats mask
  13. GurtJun

    Obby Mauler

    holy shit, thats sick
  14. i definitely prefer pc over any mobile version, but i still play mobile if i had to pick, id buy a pc that can run some games, instead of a tablet
  15. Husky going to be healing everyone during pk trips now, with the lunar spell Kappa congrats tho!
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