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High Guardian
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Everything posted by GurtJun

  1. hey welcome! good looking application
  2. It has been a while but its time for another update, i have reached 81 slayer and there some interesting items added and some nice gains made!
  3. The potions and rune looking reeaallll good :patricknut: Kinda sad you dont have bowfa yet, good luck!
  4. hey welcome! buffing out you application wouldnt hurt as this would probably get denied for low effort. dont write anything you dont want to write, have a look at previous applications to see whats acceptable good luck!
  5. Oh shit, Suffud! Welcome back!
  6. Seen you in a few event recaps, welcome!
  7. I doubt you pick up bones or ashes tho
  8. 500! wooooaaahhhh we're halfway thereeeeeee! wooooooooooooooaahhhhhhh livin' on a prayer!
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