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High Guardian
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Everything posted by GurtJun

  1. Hey, welcome! Nice application
  2. Guess we'll be hearing a shitton of you when youre not afk Welcome!
  3. My drunk russian friend... We meet again Welcome back!
  4. Welcome back my dude
  5. stock up on iron sets, ALOT of them veteran players will buy those and give them to new players, demand will be high im sure * DISCLAIMER: im not accountable for potential losses * XD
  6. dragon crossbow with ruby/diamond dragon bolts (e) is a solid choice and less cost aswell but i think bp is still more dps IF you dwh/bgs spec vorkath i prefer the crossbow method tho
  7. hey, welcome adding just a liiitttle bit more too your application wouldnt hurt doesnt have to be very personal details, have a look at other accepted applications to see what goes! good luck
  8. Hey! Welcome. Nice application
  9. Agree with this, else youd be severely lacking in quests im guessing? this seems like a fair exception overall really like the idea, you plan on making a progress blog?
  10. Hey! Welcome your application could do with a bit more effort, have a look at other accepted applications to see what goes! good luck
  11. Glad you finally decided to apply! Welcome!
  12. GurtJun

    [Accepted] Zebe 69

    can confirm what Why Try Guy said, i can see this guy being a nice addition to wg so, welcome
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