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Elite Guardian
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Zemus last won the day on May 16 2024

Zemus had the most liked content!

About Zemus


  • RS Name
    WG Zemus

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  1. try book a 2 for 1 special so your 2nd marriage will be free (jk jk) lumbridge church is a good spot by the water (also jk) i have no advice hope that helps, but gz
  2. hello welcome
  3. I am chef
  4. Haven't updated this thread in a while. Current stats: Bank: Current Goals: 99 Slayer - Via Konar for hydra until I complete ring and leather, then i'll turael skip for inferno tasks to finish 99 (assuming I complete hydra before then)
  5. timothy
  6. gzzzzz
  7. hello friend welcome back
  8. Welcome back ray
  9. damn gz!! huge
  10. yeah if you wanna make 5m/hr like some beta lmfao. real big d long chads go all in
  11. Hola David como estas? Bien? Bienvenido amigo
  12. Zemus

    [Accepted] Wg nap

    yoo wb
  13. Guten tag mein bruder mein nama ist Zemus wie gehts? Ich liebe nicht bandos
  14. well guess the come back aint happening boys, we staying cleaned
  15. Hnnnggggh very poggers my friend, enjoy freedom from the crystal prison
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