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Wg Luk1n

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Wg Luk1n last won the day on December 25 2021

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About Wg Luk1n

  • Birthday 11/23/1989


  • RS Name
    Where is Pet

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  1. Smh baggy and rok get mentioned! Naughty meki. Welcome.
  2. Wg Luk1n

    [Declined] cshtml

    Hey drew! It's ctrl run esc. Big vouche for this guy.
  3. Cheers guys, what can I say... you may quit runescape but in the end we are all addicts and have our relapses... For some reason... the real slim shady was playing in my head after reading this..
  4. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. WG luk1n What is your current RS name? WG luk1n List any previous RS names: Normie luk1n Luk1n What is your total level and combat level? 125 combat 1882 total Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. My account is around 17 years old, I have never been banned but was once muted for asking a real life friend their telephone number lmfao. I enjoy playing runescape and have done for longer than a few people in our clan have been alive i started when I was roughly 13, many many years ago.... Over the years I have made many accounts, ranging from summoning tanks to my mighty main which bears the WG name, I recently de ironed my ironman at 1950 total .... rip... and have another 2 ironmen at 1750 and 1250 totals. Tell us about your clan history. Wilderness Guardians Tell us about your yourself. https://www.wildernessguardians.com/forums/topic/9451-hmmmm/ I feel this will let you guys get to know me a bit more... How did you hear about us? Killajoka several years ago What makes you want to join us? Can I leave this blank? Who wouldn't wanna join us?? Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I once let one off in a lift and blamed my 8 year old
  5. Hi, im luk1n, those who know me, hi! Those who don't, also HI! I was hoping to start playing again a few months back but my family was hit hard with covid, we lost 3 members of our already small family and was further unwell within our bubble, (family unit in the UK) As myself and my partner care for not only our 2 children who one of is autistic we cared for our parents and grandparents too until covid struck... unfortunately we spread the disease in our caring duties to our grandparents even though we were trying our best to contain the virus... the past few months has been particularly difficult not only for our mental health but that of our children who in all honesty are struggling coping. I felt the need to express that as I have not been playing much/at all over the past 3 months after submitting my application to rejoin, this was never my intention and I intended to pick things up where I had left them a few months back. I had taken some time at the beginning of the year to play my ironman mode as there was a few things happening that I felt I didn't want to be around, both in game and IRL and have recently DE ironed my almost 1900 total ironman, RIP anyway, enough of the morbid stuff... my favorite activity on osrs is socialising, i spend many hours just chilling at the GE on my main, but don't be fooled I don't always do that.. i enjoy killing the afk stuff such as brutal black dragons, wyverns, and even vorki with some netflix. my aims for my account in the next few months are to start hosting some fun activies with you guys again... nothing beats a nice hide and seek lol.... im hoping to iron out all the hard diaries on my WG luk1n account and eventually complete quest cape on it a goal i haven't ever had interest in doing but after counting i only had 18 quests to do... i feel i am being lazy not to do..... anyway enough about me, i hope to get to know you guys alot better over the next few weeks.
  6. Mask is neither a meme or a joke! ..... unless he has had one too many pink gin and sending u silly messages at 5am
  7. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. Normie Luk1n What is your current RS name? Normie Luk1n List any previous RS names: Lots of different recently as my brother had been playing my account... i will always be luk1n to you tho. What is your total level and combat level? 1872 and 125 Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. well, my account is around 18 years old.... (older than some members) my favourite skill is bankstanding and cc talking. However i do enjoy skilling more on my iron for some reason than my main... Tell us about your clan history. WG WG WG WG WG WG errrrrr WG!! Tell us about your yourself. A few people have asked where I went, unfortunately my health (more so mental health took a decline and i was doing some crazy stuff irl) I have been recently diagnosed with manic depressive disorder (bipolar) and have taken a long break from social groups because of this... i have had medication to help suppress the crazy shit i was doing lol! I'm male, getting old and enjoy scaping, talking to my friends and hosting random stuff! I dislike *#*# (insert politician name) #*#* I enjoy listening to my daughters choice of music (as I get no other choice... spoilt brat) How did you hear about us? originally through killajoka... how i miss that fool. What makes you want to join us? Honestly, runescape is not home without the guardians. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I'm crazy - confirmed medical diagnosis lol!
  8. Theres a few I know of, Birdy, sillyjack, ovee, jason and a couple others off the top of my head.
  9. hehe glad to see it buddy
  10. The rules are below, I will leave the semantics regarding moi being a clan to the PVP end, I say kudos on him for stating in application.. however @Doc Cassidy I presume you would understand WG pvp events HAVE to come first?
  11. Has my full support - not sure if our guys can leave the whales alone tho.
  12. Lmfao I thought exactly the same
  13. The film just seemed like a money grab to me, lots of nostalgia but kinda boring at points.
  14. Make sure you maintain the high, or apply to be a master guardian today.
  15. Hey, a few people were asking about spoilers for films in cc, for game of thrones and avengers we had the rule of 1 week before discussing spoilers in cc. I feel this should be brought back for the new star wars film... so please use this thread to discuss the new film... which I am off to watch in a few mins!! Will let you know if it's worth watching.... hehe... but no spoilers from me ladies.
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