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  1. now that is one thicc mf application. welcome and gl on being accepted
  2. what others said. doesnt take much effort to add a little more information to ur app and you'll greatly increase ur chance of being accepted. gl bro.
  3. didnt insult me, smh welcome and gl bro
  4. nice rune darts
  5. wow dude, that's nuts! gz for sure!!
  6. pog champeru welcome nerd
  7. aye, im near Detroit as well. hazel park lol welcome!
  8. I need to do more quests for ds2 lol
  9. welcome bro, gl on ur pking adventures
  10. welcome and thanks for your service
  11. thats one thicc looking app. gl bro, and welcome
  12. Interesting. Is that one of them new fancy pronouns these kids are using now a days?
  13. Me, an intellectual, drunk? No, sir, I am not under the influence. I am not a dirty sinner.
  14. Cause I'm still fucking curious.
  15. ^title.
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