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What is your current RS name? Pharaogoma

List any previous RS names

My stats:


Tell us about your RuneScape account and history.

I started playing Runescape about 10 years ago, then went away from it when EOC took over. Now i've come back as of a few months ago due to the release of OldSchool. I enjoy training all stats and playing mini games such as barbarian assault and pest control.


Tell us about your clan history.

I've never been apart of a clan before.


Tell us about your yourself.

My name is Quinton, I'm 22 and from the USA. I graduated from high school 4 years ago and I'm a paper maker. My hobbies are spenging time with my girlfriend and our dog, playing golf, watching movies, girlling out and drinking beer. I enjoy a whole range of music but my top 3 are rap, death metel and dubstep. I'm a huge sports and trivia guru!


How did you hear about us?  WG Mojo reached out to me personally.

What makes you want to join us? I liked the fact that the leader reached out to me directly on a personal level. Also since the clan is still in the growing stage i like the thought of possible advancement opportunities within the clan.


Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clanYes


Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I work an odd schedule. I work 4-on 4-off. The shifts are 12-16 hours long. I work 2 day shifts, then work 2 night shifts, then have 4 days off. My availability to be on during one of my working days can be low sometimes.

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