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The Wilderness Guardians


Week 43 recap


Here is a small peek of our week number 43 within wilderness guardians - WG. Do not miss out, and apply today :D 


During the week the wilderness guardians hosted 14 official separate events. Out of the 14 official run events - 8 were pk related and 6 pvm/social events - We also had ourselves a boss of the week DT2 bosses. Outside of the official runned events there are daily several unofficial happenings both in and out of the wildy. We do ANY kind of events :D 

We had some solid domination both in and outside the wildy this week, bank was made with the crew :D


For PVP: A total of 1.246 kills were done, with profits after deaths calc to roughly 1,1 Billion GP, summary below.

For PVM: A total of 409,5 M GP was made, summary below.

Not everything is tracked due to different cc's, so amounts are higher but not tracked.



PVM pics





PVP pics



Found PD out again which was a pleasent surprise, although it was probably not as fun for PD as it turned in to a mega farmfest that lasted for so long we were all pretty much out of bolts/sacks, anything rly. TY for the fight and honour to the PD crew that returned and returned with major effort, even tho they did not have a chance to turn it around. K/D was aprox 33-5.




Events and achievements


Nex event


Callisto Anti-pk event


Chambers of Xerics scaled event



Corporal beast events


Boss of the week DT2





PVP Summary

Total kills: 1.265
Total deaths: 465
Overall kill/death ratio: 2.7

Total earnings: 1.611.534.599 gp
Total loss: 530.340.053 gp
Total profit: gp

Average kill value: 1.273.940 gp
Average death value: 1.140.516 gp

Notable kills:
Maul Product slaying Die2pmvers for 170,293,823gp
Maul Product slaying Juss for 167,791,350gp
Sherbtree slaying M4OA3 for 28,747,620gp
Primary A J slaying Creamed Clam for 25,221,627gp
Mr Fuh Q slaying Mazaska for 24,883,103gp
Mr Fuh Q slaying Y0PERR30SOLA for 23,811,876gp
Axsentz slaying Kush Altar for 18,553,781gp
Maul Product slaying lovepurp for 16,742,738gp
Sherbtree slaying Turkiya for 14,172,919gp
Sherbtree slaying RSPS TRASH for 13,930,587gp

Most feared:
Maul Product slaying 174 enemies
Primary A J slaying 109 enemies
Foopace slaying 89 enemies
FAT CLACKERS slaying 78 enemies
Aux 126 slaying 72 enemies

PVM Summary
(Missing some drops sadly due to not being tracked in cc)

Total loot: 409,565,076
Total broadcasts: 35
Total from raids: 184,412,475 in 10 drops
Total from non-raid PvM: 225,152,601 in 25 drops

Most profitable items:
    1x Voidwaker hilt - 67,179,765
    2x Osmumten's fang - 61,638,000
    2x Primordial crystal - 60,015,358
    1x Dragon hunter crossbow - 59,150,000
    1x Dexterous prayer scroll - 38,573,442
    3x Venator shard - 22,154,911
    5x Lightbearer - 15,312,585
    3x Crystal armour seed - 15,074,835
    2x Zenyte shard - 14,832,780
    2x Blood shard - 12,395,424
    1x Eternal gem - 9,947,678
    1x Masori mask - 9,738,448
    4x 175 x Onyx bolts (e) - 6,110,650
    1x Venator vestige - 5,000,000
    2x Serpentine visage - 4,714,920
    1x Abyssal dagger - 2,056,426
    1x Dragon harpoon - 2,000,002
    1x Uncut onyx - 1,969,251
    1x Dragon limbs - 1,700,601

Loot stats by player:
    Whitemamb making 139,048,440gp in 8 drops
    Rat Tax making 67,179,765gp in 1 drop
    Rigorlogical making 59,150,000gp in 1 drop
    Kipqari making 38,573,442gp in 1 drop
    HalfJaked making 15,012,984gp in 2 drops
    IM Sherb making 14,832,780gp in 2 drops
    Im Suran making 13,266,961gp in 3 drops
    I3ryan making 12,395,424gp in 2 drops
    NomsOnYou making 11,947,680gp in 2 drops
    Killanator21 making 10,158,184gp in 2 drops
    meekstah making 6,531,600gp in 2 drops
    Indivi2you making 4,916,651gp in 1 drop
    Waka11 making 4,714,920gp in 2 drops
    Metalicm4g3 making 3,062,517gp in 1 drop
    Sipuliparoni making 2,056,426gp in 1 drop
    Park In Sons making 1,969,251gp in 1 drop
    Runefish making 1,700,601gp in 1 drop
    SLITCHKINS making 1,523,725gp in 1 drop
    Myl making 1,523,725gp in 1 drop


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