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[Accepted] riotz v4


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Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process.

riotz v4


What is your current RS name? riotz v4

List any previous RS names

What is your total level and combat level?

2161 total and 120 combat 

What Timezone are you in? GMT +1



Tell us about your RuneScape account and history.

so currently i have two accounts. one is Riotz who i made 15 years ago back at Lada Vesta's home ( clan menber here) the i have RIotz v4 who i made back in the days and a pk account originally. i stoped playing on it and it later got hacked. I have gotten it back now :)


Tell us about your clan history.

ive been in a Norwegian RS3 clan named Valhalla, was fun and all to do group raids there but i got burned out from rs3 when i maxed out the account.


Tell us about your yourself.

hi yall ! so my name is Thomas, a 28 year old guy who lives in Norway! I have the cutest little devil (cat) named Speedy. he have been with me from 10 years now and i adore him more than anything in this world! ( oh also i have a fiance lol )
my spare time goes mostly to grind RS or league of legend atm! been playing league since early season two and RS on and off for the past 15 years now
for work im a maintanance man for someone called BaneNOR ( the guys who are in charge of all the railways in norway) been working there for about 4 months now and i really enjoy it !

OH! also i LOVE outdoors life and espesually fishing ( IRL)

funfact! pickles is the WORST thing on earth IMO!


How did you hear about us?  from Lada Veste ( IRL friend and member of this clan)

What makes you want to join us? so ive been aplying for the clan once before but sadly i had too much going on at that time and lost motivation to play the game or follow up my application all the way out :(
now i feel more motivated than EVER to grind out the game ( i can almost see the maxed account line ) have been having so much fun the last time playing together on discord with Lada just grinding out stuff!

Lada have been talking alot of yall and i like what i hear about the big clan events and the fact that you guys seems super chill and friendly! i see myself as a big noob who wants to step into the game with the big guys and learn more endgame things like raids and bossing :)

i cant wait to get to know you guys!

Best regards Thomas / Riotz


Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clanYes


Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I got a temp mute mayble like 10 years ago for doubeling money and my other account who i play on the most atm ( Riotz v4) got hacked years ago and i recently managed to get the account back and i found out it had a previous ban for it for botting fron the hacker

Edited by Riotz
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12 minutes ago, Lada Vesta said:

Welcome my neighbour, close irl and close ing sounds fun good luck with your application :D 

TY Lada ! cant wait to go fishing with you IRL tomorrow :D

44 minutes ago, schmiiiited said:

Welcome my fellow norwegian viking :D

SKÅL !!! 

1 hour ago, Naqi said:

Welcome my friend. Loving the effort you put into your app. I hope you enjoy your time here

TYSM :) cant wait to get to know yall :D

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Welcome to WG! Look forward to gaming with you.


Wait 24h, head back to our discord (discord.gg/wg), find the channel #osrs-app-review, type "!review" and then link your application :) Wait the full 24h or you'll find the app managers get grumpy with you ;) 




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Congratulations, you have been accepted into our community!

You are now an Initiate Guardian and have 3 weeks to attend 3 events, reply to at least 10 posts and graduate.


Here are some useful links:

  • Graduations - you have 3 weeks to post your graduation form. You can post it before you reach all the requirements and fill them in later.
  • Unread content - gives you the latest posts. Keeps you up to date.
  • Important Announcements - check frequently for major updates.
  • Calendar - all events are here, listed in your own time zone. You can even host your own.
  • Discord - keep notifications on for #osrs_announcements and #graduation. We'll never spam you.
  • Recruitment Tips - help expand our clan
  • New to PvM or PvP? Check out the #pvm-help and #pvp-help channels on Discord.
  • Use #pvm-help on Discord to assign yourself roles to get pings for groups
  • Use !pvp to get pings for PK trips.


Important: Please do not talk about PvP events in our Clan Chat. Use Discord.


I and the staff are happy to answer any further questions.

Welcome to our clan!


P.S. Got two minutes spare? Take this optional survey to help us with our recruitment process.

P.P.S. Are you a Discord Nitro subscriber or have a lot of IRL money? 🤑 Consider giving us your Nitro Server Boost. See #nitro-boost on Discord for info.

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