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I'm not against any of this but I'd like it if they did things differently for thieving.


As it stands, people with lower thieving levels are being punished as opposed to those with 95+ which is what this is mainly intended for.


At 95 thieving, you stop failing the pickpocket so those players can still afk autoclick or whatever because they'll have a full free inventory (no food needed).


On the other hand, low level players who are going to need food will have a full inventory so they'll have to stop often to click on the coin pouches. They weren't able to afk much to begin with anyway because of failing a lot/taking damage.


I propose they make coin purses stack to a maximum number instead. It does the same thing but lower level players can get food and will not get punished harshly.


I should have written this in the post but too late now :P






" Despite lots of educational messaging over the years which instructed players not to drop any items they don't want to lose, these scams are still somewhat prevalent "

I really wonder how many people still get scammed these days.








Q: Kimi, do you have any hobbies?
KR: I collect walnuts.




30 minutes ago, Lait Choco said:

" Despite lots of educational messaging over the years which instructed players not to drop any items they don't want to lose, these scams are still somewhat prevalent "

I really wonder how many people still get scammed these days.


More than you think unfortunately. People try to "anti-scam" often but just get screwed over in the process.






The ardy knights changes tilt me immensely. Only people who would advocate for hard 99 thieving is people who already have...99 thieving... this mechanic has existed forever. 






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