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What is your current RS name? 511

List any previous RS namesKiaq

What is your total level and combat level?

My total level is: 1582

Combat level: 93 (Maxing out at 99 Cmb with 45Def)

Going for 70 base right now. 




Tell us about your RuneScape account and history.

Started playing RS actively about 3-4 years ago. I was in another CC. I had quit for a year and a bit due to work. Came back and everyone was gone, I'm a pretty chill player. I enjoy pking/ as well as skilling. I enjoy barb assault, Slayer and very much dislike questing lmao. I can usually be active on discord and in the cc daily.


Tell us about your clan history.

07 Helpers - I enjoyed playing with them and made a lot of friends, but most of them quit by now or aren't active.


Tell us about your yourself.

I'm 22 from Canada! I work in a Cheese factory (inb4 flame) so I work 10-12hr shifts but I still try and be active on RS for 3-4hrs daily. I enjoy skiing, rap/hip-hop music preferred. anything but country tbh. I play PS4 occasionally too so if anyone wants to add me on there pm me :)


How did you hear about us?  Reddit!

What makes you want to join us? You guys seem really active and everyone seems really chill.
the past few days I haven't noticed any drama or bs - which is awesome lol


Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clanYes


Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I have 31 thieving ):


Don't forget to contact myself or any other Application Manager or Leader on Discord once you've waited 48 hours.

While you wait feel free to browse these forums, hang on Discord and idle in our clan chat: wg_cc.





woah sorry dude, gonna have to deny ya! you have 31 thieveing and that is unacceptable! 30 levels too high! haha, welcome to the family man! look forward to scaping with ya 


  • Retired Leader
5 minutes ago, 511 said:

I have 31 thieving ):



nah just kidding. Welcome to our forums :)

Mojo WG Forum Sig.png


Welcome 511

Former Tip.It Super Moderator, LND Legionnaire, WG Elite Guardian


Tip.It and WG Real Life Meeting Attendee

Hacked and Perm banned May 2018.

  • 2 weeks later...

Your application has been declined as you did not request your application review from an Application Manager or Leader.

Feel free to apply again if you feel you can be active.




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