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What is your current RS name? CluelessOkie

List any previous RS namesMossaic91/Hell_St0rm_X/CynicalOkie/Pierce7heSky

What is your total level and combat level?



Tell us about your RuneScape account and history.

First I would like to apologize for my mediocre stats. I had actually briefly played OSRS on release day, but had sort of fallen out with it because there were issues with the people whom I originally played with. However, on RS3, I had played since 2004 and had a sort of on and off relationship with it. At the moment, I feel a bit too iffy about RS3 in its current form to really care to focus my attentions on it. Lately I've just been hopping from game to game to figure out what it is I want, and have rediscovered OSRS.

Call it a bit of nostalgia colored by rose-tinted glasses but although I may not fully recreate the experience I had throughout my teenaged years, I'm willing to give it another shot. Admittedly, I probably would have played OSRS more had I not discovered that you can actually zoom out with your mousewheel. I was playing the dang game zoomed all the way in and didn't even realize it! Yes, I do feel stupid, feel free to laugh at me in moderation.


Tell us about your clan history.

I had started this whole clan thing in 2005 when I was but a wee lad of 14 years entering freshman year of high school. I will try to give some descriptions of all that I remember:

The Death Monkeighs - I was in this clan off and on again, though I don't seem to note any presence on OSRS, unfortunately.

Knights of Legend/Atrum Dies - This was a small clan I joined in the summer of 2006 and lasted until spring of 2007. I was a high-ranking member at one point and was likely on course to becoming one of its admins, but I did a few things, said a few stupid choice words, and things inevitably didn't work out very well, to say the least.

Masters of Dragons - I arguably would have considered this clan my home clan. I was in this from March 2007 off and on, and was there the day it was officially closed in late 2009. Unfortunately during the summer, I had this weird idea that after it lost a whole lot of members, I'd be going on the bandwagon to chase after other interests.

From the times of mid 2007 to late 2008, I became a bit of a clan hopper, trying out many clans from big to small with varying degrees of success. Probably the best success came from Collision which I managed to say in for a few months. Real life got in the way and I had left to return to MoD.

The last clan I really remember being a part of was Genesis Knights which I believe was late 2009 to early 2010. I started college around this time and got way too busy with that, plus my now ex-girlfriend.

Since then, I've been relatively clanless -- sort of a lone wolf.


Tell us about your yourself.

Well, my name is Wes, I'm 26, going on 27 years old from somewhere in a place called Northeastern Oklahoma right smack in the middle of the United States. I did drop out of college because I was entirely convinced that no matter what profession I chose, I'd be enslaved to thousands of dollars of debt with the risk that the field I chose can easily be outsourced. I've decided that after a string of joe jobs, that I would like to pursue the trades, probably go to pipefitting school and become a plumber. I have a bizarre string of interests which might include antiquated 90s computer technology, MOD tracker music, fake Emergency Alert System broadcasts, weather oddities, and wanting to get fit.


How did you hear about us?  Wilderness Guardians was a clan I don't think I ever joined during my chaotic run, but I do remember you all and glad to see you're all still around.

What makes you want to join us? I do admit that at the moment, I probably don't have much to contribute; however I do intend to make my character more powerful as the days go by. In due time I can say that I'd like to become a loyal member and work very hard to be an integral part of this clan.


Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clanYes


Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I regrettably might have been known to some for using rather colorful language in the past. I thought I was a cool, edgy teenager, but I was just some stupid punk kid in the end. I don't know if anyone I may have targeted is around here, but if they are, I do offer my sincerest apologies, even if they don't accept it.

  • Retired Leader

well written app and dont worry about those levels. We'll be happy to offer some advice on getting them up :P

Some very old school clan names in there, welcome :) 

Mojo WG Forum Sig.png


Don't forget to contact myself or any other Application Manager or Leader on Discord once you've waited 48 hours.

While you wait feel free to browse these forums, hang on Discord and idle in our clan chat: wg_cc.





Hello and welcome to the forums Wes! Nice app, don't apologize for stats - everybody starts somewhere! Plus if you grind NMZ for 30H you wouldn't be far behind myself and many others!

If you can't afford it, don't risk it.



Welcome Wes

Former Tip.It Super Moderator, LND Legionnaire, WG Elite Guardian


Tip.It and WG Real Life Meeting Attendee

Hacked and Perm banned May 2018.

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Your application has been declined as you did not request your application review from an Application Manager or Leader.

Feel free to apply again if you feel you can be active.




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