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Osrs Woolley


What is your current RS name? Osrs Woolley

List any previous RS namesPure woolley
Osrs woolley

What is your total level and combat level?

My current total level is - 2188

My current Combat level is - 126


Tell us about your RuneScape account and history.

I've been playing runescape for over 15 years in total, I've been in a big pvm cc for about 4 years now. But as time goes by, I'm deciding to switch to a pvp based clan, Looking to start somewhere and soon, with the rev caves being as active as they are, im well prepared to get this going immediately :D


Tell us about your clan history.

I've been in the clan TEAM ETERNITY PVM for about 4 years now, fully active the entire time, Great pvm clan, Just most of their 100+ members are all focusing on Raids and Raids 2, and my raiding time has died, I've gotten sick of it as you can only become so wealthy ingame before it's almost useless to keep going for more wealth, Now im just here to kill players and have a good time doing it (:


Tell us about your yourself.

My Name is Woolley, Im from America.
im 23 years old, with 2 children.
Happily married, work a full time job from 5am-3pm Monday-Friday.
None of this interferes with my game time (:
Im a great leader, and a wonderful caller.
Alway's know what to do in tight situations.
Thank's for listening.


How did you hear about us?  A mate of mine on Zybez had said something about this clan.

What makes you want to join us? Y'all seem like one of the semi bigger main clans,which is what im looking for. Also seem to have a little lower requirments, As most have you show your KDR, Your Pking/regear tab, And I just cant be asked for all that information just to join a multi clan.


Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clanYes


Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: Nothing I need to come clean about, But lets go pking boys (:

  • Retired Leader
3 minutes ago, Osrs Woolley said:

 A mate of mine on Zybez had said something about this clan.

and who would this mate be? :D


Anyway, welcome to our forums, nicely written app!

Mojo WG Forum Sig.png


Don't forget to contact myself or any other Application Manager or Leader on Discord once you've waited 48 hours.

While you wait feel free to browse these forums, hang on Discord and idle in our clan chat: wg_cc.





looking forward to pking with you i'm sure you will become a beast

Leader and Head Warlord of the Wilderness Guardians


WildGuard let's gooooo!!!!           gold-ranged.gif  


Ex-Leader of The Sabres



Welcome Woolley

Former Tip.It Super Moderator, LND Legionnaire, WG Elite Guardian


Tip.It and WG Real Life Meeting Attendee

Hacked and Perm banned May 2018.

  • 2 weeks later...

Your application has been declined as you did not request your application review from an Application Manager or Leader.

Feel free to apply again if you feel you can be active.




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