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What is your current RS name? Tholath

List any previous RS namesNone

My stats:


Tell us about your RuneScape account and history.

My RS3 account is relatively new, only about a week old and currently combat level 48 with most of my training in ranged and defense (41 and 45 respectively) I used to play OSRS many years ago when it was a relatively new game but back then I was unable to put as much time into the game as I would have liked, leading to a slow progression and my eventual stop of play. However now I have found RS3 with much more time on my hands and already much more money than I ever had back then (1.6 mill(I know its not much but I'm kinda proud))


Tell us about your clan history.

I have never been part of a clan, mainly due to my newness to RS3 and my lack of knowledge of clan existence in OSRS.


Tell us about your yourself.

My name is Marcus, I am 17 years old and currently in full time education studying Physics and Maths. My main hobbies are sports such as cricket and tennis and gaming, League of Legends, Overwatch and obviously now Runescape 3. I've gotten slightly bored of the stressful nature of competitive games which is how I came back into Runescape, enjoying the peaceful grind and satisfaction, slowly working towards a bond.


How did you hear about us?  On the RS official forums

What makes you want to join us? I have recently felt more lost than usual in RS and have been looking for a clan which could help to guide me through the more complicated aspects of the game as well as a kind community to talk to and, maybe once I have leveled up, play with some other players.


Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clanYes


Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I have not been involved in anything unethical for the game, however I do have changes of heart for the genre of game I play so there may be times when I play less RS and more of another game, making myself less active in the community.


Welcome Marcus

Former Tip.It Super Moderator, LND Legionnaire, WG Elite Guardian


Tip.It and WG Real Life Meeting Attendee

Hacked and Perm banned May 2018.


Congratulations, you have been accepted into our community!

You are now an Initiate Guardian and have 3 weeks to attend 3 events, reply to at least 10 posts and graduate.


Here are some useful links:

Let me know when you've read this.

I and the staff are happy to answer any further questions.

Welcome to our clan!







Q: Kimi, do you have any hobbies?
KR: I collect walnuts.




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