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What is your current RS name? Thebigg

List any previous RS namesThebiggestde
DDT Thebigg
Rip bigg

My stats:


Tell us about your RuneScape account and history.

Hello to whoever is reading!

I started playing runescape like, 12 years ago? I'm 24 now so I was around 12 back then. Played all the way up to EOC being released but never made it past 110 combat, maybe 1100 total with 50 QP but spent 99% of my time in the wilderness. Not even in a clan, just with buddies shit-pking and enjoying the random encounters.

I came back to OSRS about one year after it was released and began very casually training my range and slayer with the intention of eventually having a perfect anti-pking account. I'd gotten only 89 magic on my original main and the idea of veng / barrage seemed really fun.

Then DMM came out and I was floored. The original DMM was the most fun I've ever had online. My first season I played solo and with the Reddit cc (mostly for scouting purposes) until a few of the most active of us made a small pk team (DDT Thebigg).

DDT eventually dissolved as DMM died, and the remnants of us and a few of my personal friends started up RIP (Rip Bigg), which was my last DMM team.

I played solo in seasons 2-3, which was the last one I seriously.

I came back to OSRS having afk'd my main while I played DMM with my build almost complete. I've spent the past few months solo pking, brid fighting, slayer + entry level bossing (zulrah / sire / callisto etc..)

So yeah I love pking and the wilderness. Sadly all my friends from DMM quit or only play DMM except for a few who only have pures on OSRS, and I have a main and enjoy main pking.


Tell us about your clan history.

The only reason I've never joined a serious clan is that I've never had an account that I felt comfortable joining with. Deadman was a little different. I had a max set and never trusted AC or TATA deadman in general has so much damn drama because swap rates and peoples eyes light up with $$$ when someone new steps into multi with em.

I'm at a point where I'm happy with my account stats and gear + my ability to pvm / pk


Tell us about your yourself.

I'm 24 from US east working as a cook rn so occasionally I'll have 50 hour weeks but OSRS is my main hobby (along with my fiance who occasionally drags me away but she games too so she gets that sometimes i can't just leave)


How did you hear about us?  I've heard about a few clans through my years. I like what you guys stand for.

What makes you want to join us? This clan seems like the type of environment that I would really enjoy. I think the reason I waited so long to join a clan is that I want to only join one clan and really dedicate myself to it versus hopping around trying to find the best fit. In the end I'm just looking to enhance my own runescape experience and hopefully provide the same to those around me all while having some fun in the process :D


Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clanYes


Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I really like this section haha what a great idea.

I was a "botter" pre-eoc meaning me and two irl friends made a bet on who could get their first 99 in high school. I botted strength, another wc, one honorably trained at PC and still beat us. The WC one got banned lmao.

Pretty clean in DMM, never been a bser I can't handle the emotional pain ahahah.

Ummm I smoke a lot of weed so I may pack bowls during trips and be afk but the social pressure to perform generally keeps me in check.


Welcome Bigg

Former Tip.It Super Moderator, LND Legionnaire, WG Elite Guardian


Tip.It and WG Real Life Meeting Attendee

Hacked and Perm banned May 2018.


Thanks for all the love guys! Getting a better feel for the forums haha just found my app post.  Really excited at the prospect of pking / events I can't wait for it.  I forgot to mention I'm (mostly) geared I'll try and edit and include this in my app post.  Only ~100m bank but I have void + nearly maxed melee minus primordials / DWH but hopefully this will change soon hehe

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