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Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process.



What is your current RS name? Baeka

List any previous RS names

What is your total level and combat level?

Total level is 1563 and combat 103.


Tell us about your RuneScape account and history.

Pfft. I've first started playing like 10-12 years ago? Something like that. Back in old RS I liked to PK, quest, PvM and do stealing creations. After awhile I got into botting and just did that. Ruined the game for me, cus when you bot, there's no warm fuzzy feeling knowing you no-lifed some content and want to off yourself but pulled through & managed to get ur goal.

So after botting my acc I actually quit RS. Came back, started a pure, botted it because i was a lazy kid. PK'd some. Quit again. Came back with both accounts banned after the big bot bust. Was actually happy they finally managed to bust quite a big number of bots.


Tell us about your clan history.

So I used to be in a pure clan called Mayhem Makers but that was short lived due to my inactivity. Well it's been alot of yours, I've been in clans, but I really do not remember the names. Just some fun clans, nothing big.


Tell us about your yourself.

So I'm a 25 yr old lad that lives in the Netherlands. I'm studying for IT but due to RL complications this has been put off for a little while. Right now I just work alot, scape alot, and have to take it easy. :) I've started playing 07 again september last year with some friends. I really enjoy the experiences this game brings me.


How did you hear about us?  WG Ross

What makes you want to join us? I miss the friends-aspect of the game. So first and foremost reason I want to join this group of players is because I want to play together with other, like-minded, players.

So I had a little list I wanted out of a clan.

- I want a clan that has a mature attitude with room for (healthy) banter.
- I want a clan that can help me become a better player in terms of PvM / PK. I know the basics from back in the day. But the game has changed, and even thought I think I've caught up with most things related to PK, I have alot to learn with PvM'ing.
- I would prefer a clan that doesn't have mandatory attendance. I will always be active ingame. But I have a real life, I have things I have to do, I can't put that off because of a game.

So after meeting Ross and him offering me money cus I'm a great guy I asked him if he knew a clan that would be a fit. We had a great chat and he told me to join the CC, just lurk it abit, and see how I liked it. Honestly the CC is very friendly and has room for banter.

I think I would fit within the WG community, and that WG would fit me.


Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clanYes


Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: Like I said I have botted on this game. But that's in the past, and on a completely different account.

Also, not a big thing, but I'm kind of a old school guy. I'm not used to use discord and stuff. I chat, that's great, but using mics I just feel a bit awkward. So when needed I will use a mic. When I feel at home within WG I will get on the mic. But when starting out I will just be a keyboard warrior. :)

  • Retired Leader

Welcome to our forums. Nice app 😀


dont worry about the mic, we only tend to use voice channels for events. Discord has text channels which we use

Mojo WG Forum Sig.png


Don't forget to contact myself or any other Application Manager or Leader on Discord once you've waited 48 hours.

While you wait feel free to browse these forums, hang on Discord and idle in our clan chat: wg_cc.






Congratulations, you have been accepted into our community!

You are now an Initiate Guardian and have 3 weeks to attend 3 events, reply to at least 10 posts and graduate.


Here are some useful links:

  • Unread content - gives you the latest posts. Keeps you up to date.
  • Important Announcements - check frequently for major updates.
  • Calendar - all events are here, listed in your own time zone. You can even host your own.
  • Graduations - you have 3 weeks to post your graduation form.
  • Discord - keep notifications on for #osrs and #osrs_announcements. We'll never spam you.
  • Recruitment Tips - help expand our clan
  • New to PvM or PvP? Check out the #pvm-help and #pvp-help channels on Discord.

Let me know when you've read this.

I and the staff are happy to answer any further questions.

Welcome to our clan!





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