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Neven Sabre


Tell us about yourself.

Hello, name is Neven. 27 year old RS player from Upstate New York. Coming back and starting fresh at OSRS. Thought I'd stop by and say hello and join eventually. Been playing RS since Classic, joined TS right at the start of OSRS when we made the switch over to RS2 but never had the req's in classic to join, when I was eventually allowed to enter the clan, I hit the ground running. I know many OG Sabres so if you want some nostalgic memories - hit me up. I'll be around, saying hi.



Clan history.  

The Sabres - Former Diplomatic Relations Officer



How did you hear about us? ...TS? lol

Do you plan to join? Yes eventually when I meet the req's


Any last comments?  



[Neven Sabre][Former Sabre][Former P-Mod]


  • Retired Leader
2 hours ago, Neven said:

Do you plan to join? Yes eventually when I meet the req's


There are no reqs mate but we suggest 100+ for pvm and 110+ is optimal for pvp but we let people lower than that join in.


Anyway welcome to our boards, always nice to see old sabres around

Mojo WG Forum Sig.png



14 minutes ago, Sabre Wraith said:



Yooooooooooooo - good to see you again Ben. I'll be around. 


27 minutes ago, Mojo said:

There are no reqs mate but we suggest 100+ for pvm and 110+ is optimal for pvp but we let people lower than that join in.


Anyway welcome to our boards, always nice to see old sabres around


I'll submit an application tonight or tomorrow then. :) I'll hop in discord eventually.



[Neven Sabre][Former Sabre][Former P-Mod]


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