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Aaight x WG Gore Def xxx Chapter 2


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Following the events in Aaight x Wg Gore Def xxx (1)





"Je kwam zo snel!" Wg Gore Def lacht terwijl hij een handdoek grijpt om een paar dikke serum 207 van zijn gezicht te vegen. "Het komt alleen omdat je me de laatste tijd plaagt!" zegt Aaight, trekt zijn Primordial Boots uit en rolt zijn stomache op. "Neem me nu Wg Gore Def!" Roept Aaight. Wg Gore Def komt plotseling Aaight binnen met zijn Armadyl Godsword! Aaight kreunt: "Ja, gewoon zo, laat me Taste Vengeance me vullen met je Serum 207!" WG Gore Def kon het niet langer volhouden ! * Urggh * Wg Gore Def vult Aaight en laat het bedekt met serum 207.


Edited by Spedaval
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"You came so fast!" Wg Gore Def laughs as he grabs a towel to sweep a pair of thick serum 207 off his 
face. "It's only because you've been teasing me lately!" says Aaight, pulls out his Primordial Boots 
and rolls up his stomache. "Take me now Wg Gore Def!" Calls Aaight. Wg Gore Def suddenly enters 
Aaight with his Armadyl Godsword! Aaight groans: "Yes, just like that, let me have Taste Vengeance
fill me with your Serum 207!" WG Gore Def could no longer sustain it! * Urggh * Wg Gore Def fills 
Aaight and leaves it covered with serum 207.
Edited by Themask666




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  On 9/25/2018 at 11:13 AM, Themask666 said:

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"You came so fast!" Wg Gore Def laughs as he grabs a towel to sweep a pair of thick serum 207 off his 
face. "It's only because you've been teasing me lately!" says Aaight, pulls out his Primordial Boots 
and rolls up his stomache. "Take me now Wg Gore Def!" Calls Aaight. Wg Gore Def suddenly enters 
Aaight with his Armadyl Godsword! Aaight groans: "Yes, just like that, let me have Taste Vengeance
fill me with your Serum 207!" WG Gore Def could no longer sustain it! * Urggh * Wg Gore Def fills 
Aaight and leaves it covered with serum 207.

rofl ahahhahaha 


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