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Hello and welcome to my goals & achievements, here I'll be keeping you updated on my OldSchool RuneScape progress. Upon quitting a year ago I gave away pretty much everything that I had as I knew I'd like to start fresh when I return.

I returned a year later on 02/09/2018, so far I have managed to make enough gold in order to purchase basic combat equipment and potions then decided that I'd like to record my progress from 09/12/2018 hoping that by doing so will motivate me even more.

I've organised my bank so that it covers all of the skills with a slayer/assignment tab.


How assignments will work:  Assignments will be set challenges such as a certain amount of boss kills and/or items dropped by bosses and other various monsters, at the end of my set assignment I'll price check the tab and sell it off. 





My bank at the beginning of the journey [09/12/2018]









Gear used for slayer and bossing in general

























This tab will be used for Slayer and Assignments












Current stats as of [09/12/2018]




My goals & achievements are in 4 tiers (easy, medium, hard and elite) goals & achievements that will take the most time to complete will be highlighted in yellow, goals & achievements that I'm currently focusing on will be highlighted in aqua and upon completion will turn green.


Easy goals and achievements

Ardougne Diary [Easy]
Desert Diary [Easy]
Falador Diary [Easy]
Fremennik Diary [Easy]
Kandarin Diary [Easy]
Karamja Diary [Easy]
Lumbridge & Draynor Diary [Easy]
Morytania Diary [Easy]
Varrock Diary [Easy]
Western Provinces Diary [Easy]
Wilderness Diary [Easy]

Medium goals and achievements

Ardougne Diary [Medium]
Desert Diary [Medium]
Falador Diary [Medium]
Fremennik Diary [Medium]
Kandarin Diary [Medium]
Karamja Diary [Medium]
Lumbridge & Draynor Diary [Medium]
Morytania Diary [Medium]
Varrock Diary [Medium]
Western Provinces Diary [Medium]
Wilderness Diary [Medium]


Hard goals and achievements

Medium Clue Scrolls: 46/400
Barrows Chests: 308/5,000
Ardougne Diary [Hard]
Desert Diary [Hard]
Falador Diary [Hard]
Fremennik Diary [Hard]
Kandarin Diary [Hard]
Karamja Diary [Hard]
Lumbridge & Draynor Diary [Hard]
Morytania Diary [Hard]
Varrock Diary [Hard]
Western Provinces Diary [Hard]
Wilderness Diary [Hard]

Elite goals and achievements

Max Cape
Obtain 1 Billion GP
Ardougne Diary [Elite]
Desert Diary [Elite]
Falador Diary [Elite]
Fremennik Diary [Elite]
Kandarin Diary [Elite]
Karamja Diary [Elite]
Lumbridge & Draynor Diary [Elite]
Morytania Diary [Elite]
Varrock Diary [Elite]
Western Provinces Diary [Elite]
Wilderness Diary [Elite]


Monsters, their desired kill counts and pet collection (Assignments)

I'll be killing each boss listed below, their kill count is taken directly from the chance at receiving the pet for that particular boss. If by any chance I reach the desired kill count without receiving the pet I will continue to kill the boss until I receive the pet and if I was to receive the pet before hitting the desired kill count I'll continue to kill the boss until the desired kill count has been reached.


Abyssal Sire
Kill Count: 0/2,560
Pet: Abyssal orphan

Giant Mole
Kill Count: 0/3,000
Pet: Baby mole

Kill Count: 0/2,000
Pet: Callisto cub

Kill Count: 0/3,000
Pet: Hellpuppy

Kalphite Queen
Kill Count: 0/3,000
Pet: Kalphite princess

Chaos Fanatic
Kill Count: 0/1,000
Pet: Pet chaos elemental

Dagannoth Prime
Kill Count: 0/5,000
Pet: Pet dagannoth prime

Dagannoth Rex
Kill Count: 0/5,000
Pet: Pet dagannoth rex

Dagannoth Supreme
Kill Count: 0/5,000
Pet: Pet dagannoth supreme

Corporeal Beast
Kill Count: 0/5,000
Pet: Pet dark core

General Graardor
Kill Count: 0/5,000
Pet: Pet general graardor

K'ril Tsutsaroth
Kill Count: 0/5,000
Pet: Pet k'ril tsutsaroth

Kill Count: 0/3,000
Pet: Pet kraken

Kill Count: 0/5,000
Pet: Pet kree'arra

Thermonuclear smoke devil
Kill Count: 0/3,000
Pet: Pet smoke devil

Kill Count: 0/4,000
Pet: Pet snakeling

Commander Zilyana
Kill Count: 0/5,000
Pet: Pet zilyana

King Black Dragon
Kill Count: 0/3,000
Pet: Prince black dragon

Kill Count: 0/2,000
Pet: Scorpia's offspring

Kill Count: 0/65
Pet: Skotos

Kill Count: 0/200
Pet: Tzrek-jad

Kill Count: 0/2,000
Pet: Venenatis spiderling

Kill Count: 0/2,000
Pet: Vet'ion jr.


Main gear

Other items of interest will be added upon release.

Slayer helm (i)
Serpentine helm
Armadyl helmet
Ancestral hat
Amulet of torture
Necklace of anguish
3rd age amulet
Bandos Chestplate
Armadyl chestplate
Ancestral robe top
Bandos tassets
Armadyl chainskirt
Ancestral robe bottom
Primordial boots
Pegasian boots
Eternal boots
Barrows gloves
Tormented bracelet
Berserker ring (i)
Archers' ring (i)
Seers' ring (i)
Abyssal tentacle
Abyssal dagger
Saradomin godsword
Armadyl crossbow
Toxic blowpipe
Kodai wand
Trident of the swamp
Dragon defender
Dragonfire shield
Twisted buckler
Arcane spirit shield

Spectral spirit shield

Elysian spirit shield
Fire cape
Ava's assembler
Imbued zamorak cape

Luxury collectibles

Amulet of eternal glory
Eternal slayer ring
Xeric's talisman

Notable items obtained by drops

Total item count: 17

Ahrim's hood
Barrows Chest: 27
Will be sold

Torag's hammers
Barrows Chest: 81
Will be sold

Karil's leatherskirt
Barrows Chest: 130
Will be sold

Dharok's greataxe
Barrows Chest: 130
Will be sold

Guthan's chainskirt
Barrows Chest: 133
Will be sold

Dharok's greataxe
Barrows Chest: 137
Will be sold

Karil's leathertop
Barrows Chest: 139
Will be sold

Guthan's warspear
Barrows Chest: 150
Will be sold

Dharok's platebody
Barrows Chest: 166
Will be sold

Ahrim's robetop
Barrows Chest: 182
Will be sold

Karil's leathertop
Barrows Chest: 211
Will be sold

Guthan's helm
Barrows Chest: 237
Will be sold

Dharok's greataxe
Barrows Chest: 252
Will be sold

Torag's platelegs
Barrows Chest: 266
Will be sold

Verac's plateskirt
Barrows Chest: 282
Will be sold

Karil's leathertop
Barrows Chest: 297
Will be sold

Verac's brassard
Barrows Chest: 305
Will be sold


Bandos chestplate
Kill count: 50
Will be sold



Edited by Xedachi

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