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What is your current RS name? Fr0styo

List any previous RS namesOSRS: Fr0styo,IcyMaul
RS3: (it was years ago and I can only remenber 2) deathmaneger , Eldest

My stats:



Tell us about your RuneScape account and history.

I have played runescape since 2007-08 and since then been allways playing on and off, a couple of months back something like 6 I noticed a friend in my steam was playing osrs, after talking a bit he offered me a bond and I started playing.
For now my favourite skill is slayer , but since I havent done much skilling I am yet to be sure , crafting is another skill I enjoy.
I like to quest and do barrows runs has theyr are pretty fun quick and rng based.


Tell us about your clan history.



Tell us about your yourself.

Name: Tito Abrantes
Nickname:Fr0st or Fr0sty .

Gender: Male
Age: 16

Country: Portugal

Date of birth: 12/4/2001 DD/MM/YY
Education: I´m currently in 10º grade in a programing course.
Hobbies: when I have free time I like to practice archery and to play games.
Likes: I love pretty much every type of game, I love history technology, reading ,Game of Thrones and Hunter x Hunter.
Dislikes: I hate losing specially if the reason was either me not perfoming well eough or my teamates throwing/trolling, I get quite mad when I someone tells me spoilers (unless off course I can spoil him back) and I hate my rng.
Music: I like every type of music .
Talents: I find myself to be quite and ordinary person.


How did you hear about us?  I discoverd it trough a member called osrsAdultCat in reddit

What makes you want to join us? I have been looking for a clan that does pvm and dosent have stats that im far from at the moment, has sometimes doing slayer migth become boring if you have nothing else do do.


Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clanYes


Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: The only thing I can see that could make me get denied is my age and the fact im a bit of a flamer tough I only see that happen in fps/survival games.

Edit: Added country,Nickname and Hunter x Hunter

Edited by Fr0styo

Welcome Tito

Former Tip.It Super Moderator, LND Legionnaire, WG Elite Guardian


Tip.It and WG Real Life Meeting Attendee

Hacked and Perm banned May 2018.


Congratulations, you have been accepted into our community!

You are now an Initiate Guardian and have 3 weeks to attend 3 events, reply to at least 10 posts and graduate.


Here are some useful links:

Let me know when you've read this.

I and the staff are happy to answer any further questions.

Welcome to our clan!







Q: Kimi, do you have any hobbies?
KR: I collect walnuts.




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