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Welcome back. I hope you can smooth things over with WG leadership and prove your loyalty. Looking forward to Pking with you again if you can make it happen!

Leader and Head Warlord of the Wilderness Guardians


WildGuard let's gooooo!!!!           gold-ranged.gif  


Ex-Leader of The Sabres


Posted (edited)

@Huskington Because we are an open clan, anyone could join in.

Multiple times when I have pked with WG we are out pking in multi but we have a cmb level difference compared to other pking clans that have 126cmb numbers. As being a 126-cmb and yourself being 126, sometimes 1/3 of our squad gets pked by various other levels by pure clans etc and we cant help them and just telling them to tele out if they can. Or then they would focus targets that 2/3 or whatever can't attack, leaving them vulnerable and we can't do anything about it. Then we would have to "wait" or leave behind those who are different in combat levels compared to maxed.  


As you know that effects the flow of rotations of who is calling and what we can hit with our numbers being so diverse. So I wanted just a straight "level cmb 124-above" req that could face other clans with similar cmb numbers. I know we cannot fix this issue about being a level requirement, so I have to set that aside and acknowledge that we are different than other clans. I'm not saying its a bad thing, just it tends to get messy sometimes when newer pkers split into different piles of who and who we cant attack. 


Lastly, and how people bring out different setups to revs. Such as the Ballista or just one iteming "like maybe if they ice blitzed then pulls out a ballista with rag gear" when there is a "obvious trend of certain members" that bring mystics or better equipment with the slim occurrence of people that bring tank gear so we fight another clan of equal numbers. Or when we engage in a fight, people just escaping/teleing out when we are in a fight with another clan and not re-gearing to come back out. I get it, if people are new to pking and being open to practice 1v1's to develop our skills. It is up to the warlords of WG to try to corral and mentor those how to fight other clans if we can take them with our various combat numbers. I tried to teach others about gear set-ups and etc, - I know we have a gear setup explained, but it feels like no one pays attention to that and just tags along. Finally, it just feels like saying "bring mage" and also not comparing to what everyone's individual brings in their inventories brings us to a disadvantage if we engage onto another clan. There were numerous times where we "could" have nabbed some clan in the bag easily if we had the same setup/inv as a team. There are certain situations to rag with salads and not to wear salads, but I feel like people tend to do whatever they want to without any repercussions from higher ranks.


My honest intention is to grow the greasers with the mentality of dominating the rev scene more than ever to help out in anyway that I can to newer people that wishes to PK with us. I personally felt like I could not influence or talk about any above opinions/changes because it is not in my realm nor power nor rank to do so. I did not want to have any ill intentions, so I quietly left WG without defining my intentions and reasoning's why I have left before. And my typing skills are very lackluster so I just don't like writing a book about my opinions because I do not like to create drama or to draw attention onto myself.

Edited by GODATPVP


Member_of_the_Month_Template.png.364f0d78674ad1bbea4a5fa345a28e27.png RITUALIS.png 


My reply before was a bit hasty so now i had time to think about it welcome back and this time if you want more just ask as you just missed another 24hour pk trip ;)








  • Retired Leader

Staff have discussed this and there are strong opinions on both sides. A reasonable compromise has arisen, which is a 3 week delay, backdated to your application date. Apply again after 5th April if you’re interested. 

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