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After many many years of clean living, I have once again become addicted to Runescape. Pking has always been my love. In fact, I would prefer to never leave the wildly. The following post is intended to communicate my goals for the months to come. I would also like to take the opportunity to thank the clan for being so friendly and welcoming. Our app managers are insanely competent, and members like Batfire, Da man, Bong and Shroom made me really want to become a member of WG (sorry if i didn't mention you, i still love you). 


Generalized objectives: 

1) Quests. Everything in p2p is questlocked. Makes me want to stroke. I hate questing. If i  complete a quest I shall celebrate. 

2) A base of 50 in all stats. 

3) Achieve desired stats to once again own f2p wildy. In so doing I would also become less of a liability to our p2p pking squad. Having watched a lot of briding streams I have come to understand that I do not heavily enjoy p2p single pking as of right now. The constant overhead praying (pray switching being a huge component of effective briding), the constant teleporting, raging and rushing all leave a bad taste in my mouth. Historically, I enjoy going into the wildy knowing I am either down or up a set of gear. Not wasting time and lots of gps on food/pots only to tp away like little pansies. It all seems very cheap and low honor, my opinion. Therefore; 



73/ 85 attack

75/85 str

71/ whatever def 

46/whatever prayer 

78/99 range 

64/85 mage 

I will do slayer while I grind these out. 


56/85 mining --- Rune rocks are my stomping ground. 

50 everything else, anything above that is cherries. 

I hope to get at least 7 mill xp/month, I achieved this in month #1, so I hope maintain this at minimum. 


UPDATE 1@3 months



Edited by WG Fargorn







Nice to be named as one of the reasons someone would want to join WG! Thanks a lot!

For the goals, those are really nice goals, a good base for any account.

Since u dont have any def or prayer goals yet, i'll make a suggestion, get 85 def aswell as your other meeles. Get 70 prayer for piety, as it will be a huge dps increase in many pvm situations. 


Goodluck achieving your goals!


i hear you bro i was a bit surprised coming back to RS to realize that overhead prays are constantly used in single cb bridding... i can kinda see why given the massive KO weapons in play at this stage in the game, but it's still annoying. really the only way to stay competitive in p2p singles is to utilize hotkeys and pre-click your spec.


good luck with your goals! i have a love for f2p content myself. i used to do a lot of f2p pking and had a surprising amount of KOs with range/2h even at high combat.

Leader and Head Warlord of the Wilderness Guardians


WildGuard let's gooooo!!!!           gold-ranged.gif  


Ex-Leader of The Sabres


  • 1 month later...


1)Quests. 98 QP. This remains a large challenge for me. However the quests do force me to skill.  

2) I achieved level 50+ in all stats except; RC,Farming,Agility,Fishing (Suggestions welcome)

3) I have been successful in acquiring my minimal 7mill xp/month. This should become progressively easier. 


Initial Post Stats -----------------------Update #1 (3 months since returning to RS) 

73/ 85 attack---------------------------- 83/85

75/85 str----------------------------------81/85

71/ whatever def----------------------- 74/D

46/whatever prayer--------------------56/P

78/99 range------------------------------89/99

64/85 mage -----------------------------85/85! COMPLETE! Now 85/93! 


I have elected to drop the goal of 85 mining. I am not a pure fp2er anymore, and there are better places to make money/pk in p2p. My new objective is now Fremmy Hard Diary. 

Doing Fremmy Hard will force me to acquire Lunar magics and a means of further training mage, 100+qp, Avianies as a means of making money and getting some further range xp. 






  • 1 month later...

UPDATE #2-----5 Months

So I have crushed my range goal, achieving 98 range mainly through use of rcbow. From a financial standpoint, this has given me some funds to merchant with, and the capacity to grind out skills if need be. I will get the rest while doing pvm and pvp. 

I also hit 94 mage making pure profit, at 250k+/hr. These levels give me some capacity to start helping the clan from a pvp standpoint. 


Initial Post Stats -----------------------Update #1-------------------------- Update #2

73/ 85 Attack---------------------------- 83/85-------------------------------- 86/85! COMPLETE Now 86/90

75/85 Str----------------------------------81/85-------------------------------- 87/85! COMPLETE Now 87/90

71/ whatever def----------------------- 74/D-------------------------------- 78/D  Now 78/90

46/whatever prayer--------------------56/P----------------------------------61/P Now 61/70

78/99 range------------------------------89/99------------------------------98/99! COMPLETE 

64/85 mage -----------------------------85/85! Now 85/93!-------------94/93! COMPLETE Now 94/97


New Goals (suggestions needed)

1) At this point I feel that my objectives should shift towards meele stats, 90s seem like an ideal place to start.

2) 70 prayer also needs to happen. And that will mean unlocking ensouled heads. (a double whammy goal) 

3) I also want to make 97 mage a goal, however I am undecided as to whether or not this is a waste of time/resources. Does it offer me anything over 94 mage? 

4) Questing. Fuck questing man. Unfortunately I need to do DT and RFD. These are non-optional, and fuck are they going to hurt me. 

5) 50+ all stats still hasn't happened. RC,Farming, and agility. I could use suggestions/support.








Wow. Amazing job camping Aviansies/Gargs and making that cash money ;) Definitely get 70 prayer w/ Piety, that's a major advantage for Pk trips. The questline gives you a fair amount of combat and prayer xp, so it's well worth the time.


Don't let the other quests overwhelm you! Focus on completing DT, and just get rune gloves. No need to rush for Barrows Gloves. If you need any help with DT let me know! It's not bad at all.


As for Agility, you might want to use some lamps. For runecrafting, make sure you do the Tears of Guthix quest and do the mini-game once a week for free xp. Really no reason to train RC too hard...


Keep it up! B|

Leader and Head Warlord of the Wilderness Guardians


WildGuard let's gooooo!!!!           gold-ranged.gif  


Ex-Leader of The Sabres


On 1/6/2018 at 1:20 PM, Sabre Wraith said:

Wow. Amazing job camping Aviansies/Gargs and making that cash money ;) Definitely get 70 prayer w/ Piety, that's a major advantage for Pk trips. The questline gives you a fair amount of combat and prayer xp, so it's well worth the time.


Don't let the other quests overwhelm you! Focus on completing DT, and just get rune gloves. No need to rush for Barrows Gloves. If you need any help with DT let me know! It's not bad at all.


As for Agility, you might want to use some lamps. For runecrafting, make sure you do the Tears of Guthix quest and do the mini-game once a week for free xp. Really no reason to train RC too hard...


Keep it up! B|

RC best skill kappa

  • 1 month later...

Well I over did it a bit, and somehow ended up at 98 strength. oops? 


Also got 70 prayer. However, my good friends in WG failed to mention that piety is QUEST LOCKED. :o


going to have to revisit my goals next set off. 

70 prayer.png






  • 2 weeks later...

Update time;

Initial Post Stats -----------------------Update #1-------------------------- Update #2--------------------------------------Update #3

73/ 85 Attack---------------------------- 83/85-------------------------------- 86/85! COMPLETE Now 86/90--------- 90/90 attack now 90/98

75/85 Str----------------------------------81/85-------------------------------- 87/85! COMPLETE Now 87/90---------98/90 str

71/ whatever def----------------------- 74/D-------------------------------- 78/D  Now 78/90-----------------------------83/90 

46/whatever prayer--------------------56/P----------------------------------61/P Now 61/70-----------------------------70/70 now 77

78/99 range------------------------------89/99------------------------------98/99! COMPLETE -------------------------- 98/98 COMPLETE

64/85 mage -----------------------------85/85! Now 85/93!-------------94/93! COMPLETE Now 94/97---------- 95/97 MEH





Account is really starting to come together. Going to try and

1) unlock piety. 

2) keep training combat and prayer 

3) would love to unlock augry and rigour. We shall see. 






  • 2 months later...

Captains log June 6th 2018


All 50s base! 

Hit 99 prayer pking with the greasers

Got 99 attack cause NMZ

Got 97 mage cause TBin adds up.

Laughing at pures, laughing at small teams 


Next objectives are going to be; Passive 99 mage 99 def 

Kandarin hard Diary

Wilderness Hard 

Monkey Madness 2







  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...


Was the first greaser to maxed combat. 

Was the third greaser to 89 agility. 

Had a day off from pking while my boys were on vacation and maxed cooking. 


New Objectives! 

-I still need to max mage technically, though at this point 2 levels don't make much of a difference 

-I will work towards base 70s

-contemplating maxing agility next, its the only skill that has any relevance to pking. Three tick hunting is also enjoyable and at least i can do it in the wildy. 

-need some suggestions










  • 2 months later...

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