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dux my sick


What is your current RS name? dux my sick

List any previous RS namesi have many alts, duxmysick jr is my lvl 37 dark bower used mainly to kill chin hunters, im so beast is my void pure, ip0t youdr0p is my ags pure soon to be zerker, ip0t y0udrop is my gmauler with 11 pray with access to ancients, du x my sick is my skull tricking main alt, lvl 105, obby vs pure is my 60str 30 def obby mauler ( 42 obby mauler in the making)

What is your total level and combat level?


Attack: 89

Strength: 98

HP level: 99

Ranged: 99

Magic: 99

Prayer: 77



Herblore: 78 (am looking to get 90 soon for best ovl)

Farming: 68

The rest of my stats are attached to the image below.





 i have rigour and augury unlocled, bgloves, fcape, void range n melee, ddeffender for pking. im not the best nh but consider myself good, i have access to heavy ballista, knowledge of runescape mechanics and pking locations, im a loyal respectful and helpful person, try to help out as much as i can. love pking and going on mass pk trips, even 2-3 man trips are fine. recently lost a stake costing me my 100m bank :P so claws or ags arent of use at the time (working on rebuild will have back soon). im easy to get along with and am not a toxic/drama creating person. as far as pvm, ive soloed arma 60 times, raids 7 times, bandos multiple times, i love doing corp but currently only  have access to the 2cnd pool restoring run and spec so probably best to use your house until i get 84 con(plan on getting in the next 7 days). i can do any boss their is without you having to explain it, but am open to criticism if you know a more efficient method im down to give it a shot. been looking for a active, loyal clan thats good at pking and pvm, does mass corp/pking trips. a good clan is hard to come by, as are decent members. looking forward to hearing from you guys can already tell you have built a great clan community and can't wait to be apart of it. see yall soon. 

my stats.png


Tell us about your RuneScape account and history.

i have been playing rs since 2007, left when rs3 became a thing and returned in 2014 when i found out os was back. i know almost all there is to know about rs and is the only game i play. love pking and pvm, pking more then anything, idk what else to say, work kids and rs is life XD.


Tell us about your clan history.

only been in one other clan, evolution, lasted about a month but they were heavy into deadman and demanded too much screen time for someone with kds who works full time. im a loyal clan member and only question something if i see a better solution, i repsect clan rules and code of honor. will never compromised the clans privacy or methods even if i chose to leave.


Tell us about your yourself.

im a laid back loyal person with a great sense of humor. my kids come before anything but rs is second (as long as i keep my job XD) ive been playing since i was 11. i enjoy stand up comedy from performers like louis c.k, bill burr, kevin hart, and anyone who is really funny. not much else too me, easy to get along with, respect me and ill respect you.


How did you hear about us?  y'all killed my ass at revs XD

What makes you want to join us? I've always wanted friends on osrs, only have 3 irl friends that play and they dont do the same activities i do, nor do they have the reqs i do to do them. want a clan i can trust and do pking/pvming trips weekly as well as have friends to talk to while grinding out skills


Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clanYes


Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: Ive only botted or rwt on one account and thats when i first joined again in 2014, that account has been ban for 5 years now :P lol which inspired me to do this one legit, (take my shit skill levels for example lmao)


finally a pupil with a thorough solid application. I can totally imagine everything you said. Welcome to the forums, and good luck with your application. 


Welcome to the board. Your application looks good, but 

3 minutes ago, dux my sick said:

du x my sick is my skull tricking main alt


skull tricking goes against the honour code. i'd hope you don't do this if you ever represent WG.


either way, good luck on your app!






Don't forget to contact me or any other Application Manager, Advisor or Leader on Discord once you've waited 48 hours.

While you're waiting feel free to browse these forums, hang on Discord and idle in our clan chat: wg_cc.





welcome ! You said you stats are bad, nah man, they pretty solid! took me a long time to get my total level past 1700; hope to grind some skill with you soon =D



  • 3 weeks later...

Your application has been declined as you did not request your application review from an Application Manager or Leader.

Feel free to apply again if you feel you can be active.

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