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What is your current RS name? Serum

List any previous RS namesThis is the name I've ran on this account since the original, which I don't want to give it away. Because It's actually my log-in info. I do have a few alts though! Tzhaar Serum and Serums Forge.

My stats:


Tell us about your RuneScape account and history.

The account I currently play one is my original one, which actually didn't get much use until the start of RS3/about 1 year back when I started OSRS.
I have had a lot of alts in the past, used to pk a decent bit years ago, but I fell off from that. Currently on a max account grind, slowly but surely. This account started as a zerker, had my barrows gloves the first month or so of playing. Then pushed my farming a lot and strayed away from wanting to pk for some reason. Now I'm more of a PVM focused individual. BUT I like a bit of everything.


Tell us about your clan history.

I can't recall my old clans from before RS3, just due to a slacking memory. But I've been sitting in one called Socialscape for quite some time. It was mostly to have stuff to read, never interacted much with the folks. I'm now really wanting to find one I'd enjoy sitting in permanently though. -- I've been following WildernessGuardians for a handful of years and the community seems awesome, so I figured I'd chance signing up!


Tell us about your yourself.

I'm a mid-20's Canadian who lives farrr North in the Yukon area. I work in the oilpatch and run a crew truck and only work 10-15 days a month. So I have lots of free time. I'm pretty friendly for the most part and don't get heated and pointless things. I'm a t.v/movie addict and love nature/animals.


How did you hear about us?  Reddit I'm pretty sure, it was years back and I started following the bunch of you on multiple platforms.

What makes you want to join us? The community seems really chill compared to most that I've seen. And the amount of knowledge/range of activities is something I'll benefit from I feel. There's lots I need to learn in the game again as it stands and I'd love to find a nice group of folks who aren't against being around learning-minds. And I mean, you have one of the best clan names in the game. So that's a plus.


Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clanYes


Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: There won't be anything, unless what I've displayed here throws you off from accepting me. Other than that, nothing should pop up. I'm not one for confrontation, especially on a game. So I don't argue and such at all.

  • Retired Leader

Welcome to our forums.

You really do live quite far north lol. Do you not feel lonely up there? :P 

Mojo WG Forum Sig.png


Welcome Serum

Former Tip.It Super Moderator, LND Legionnaire, WG Elite Guardian


Tip.It and WG Real Life Meeting Attendee

Hacked and Perm banned May 2018.


Welcome fellow Canadian :) I am from northern Ontario, and we consider ourselves northerners. But north Yukon? That's Wildling territory. Sounds like you would be a great fit with our family. Really good app. You are very articulate yo. 







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