Misdeal Posted June 27, 2020 Posted June 27, 2020 MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE CODE IN YOUR DROP PICS Link to up to date scores: https://tinyurl.com/y825zj48 GODWARS DUNGEON Bandos: Chestplate - 4.5 pts Tassets - 4.5 pts Boots - 4.5 pts Hilt - 7 pts Pet (1:5k) - 15 pts Saradomin: SS - 1.5 pts Sara Light - 2 pts ACB - 7 pts Hilt -7 pts Pet (1:5k) - 15 pts Armadyl: Helm - 4.5 pts Chest - 4.5 pts Skirt - 4.5 pts Hilt - 7 pts Pet (1:5k) - 15 pts Zamorak: Steam Battlestaff - 1.5 pts Spear - 1.5 pts SotD - 7 pts Hilt - 7 pts Pet (1:5k) - 15 pts All shards: 1 pt WILDERNESS BOSSES Venenatis, Callisto, Vetion, Chaos Elemental: Dragon 2h - 2 pts Dragon Pickaxe - 4 pts Pet (chaos elemental, 1:300) - 3 pts Pet (others, 1:2k) - 8 pts Rings - 6 pts Scorpia, Crazy Archelogist, Chaos Fanatic: Shield shard - 2 pts Pet (chaos fanatic, 1:1k) - 4 pts Pet (others, 1:2k) - 6 pts Revenant's Bow / Mace / Staff - 5 pts Amulet - 3.5 pts Relic / Effigy - 2 pts Medallion / Statuette - 1.5 pts Totem / Emblem / Crystal - 1 pt MISC BOSSES Corporeal Beast: Holy Elixer - 2 pts Arcane/Spectral - 8 pts Elysian - 15 pts Pet (1:5k) - 25 pts Onyx Bolts - 1 pts King Black Dragon: Dragon Pickaxe - 4 pts Draconic Visage - 8 pts Pet (1:3k) - 6 pts Dagannoth Kings: Rings- 2 pts Pet (1:5k) - 6 pts D axe - 1 pt Mud Bstaff / Seercull - 2 pts Removed from comp at Team Trinity's request Zulrah: Unique drops - 2 pts Jar of Swamp - 6 pts Mutagen - 10 pts Pet (1:4k) - 8 pts Jad / Zuk: Jad Pet (1:100/1:200) - 6 pts Zuk Pet - 25 pts Demonic/Tortured Gorillas: Zenyte shard - 1 pts Heavy frame - 2 pts Light frame - 2 pts Monkey tail - 2 pts Ballista Spring - 3 pts Ballista Limbs - 3 pts Mole: Pet (1:3k) - 8 pts Kalphite Queen: Dragon Chain - 2 pts Dragon 2h - 3 pts Jar of Sand - 5 pts Pet (1:3k) - 8 pts Vorkath: Dragonbone Necklace - 3 pts Jar of Decay - 8 pts Skeletal Visage - 12 pts Draconic Visage - 12 pts Vorki Pet - 8pts Sarachnis: Sarachnis cudgel - 3 pts Jar of Eyes - 5 pts Sraracha (pet) - 7 pts Barrows: Barrows item - 1 point Removed from comp at Team Trinity's request *Bolts ain't worth anything* Normal & Corrupted Gauntlet: Crystal weapon seed - 3 pts Crystal armour seed - 3 pts Blade of Saeldor - 10 pts Youngllef (pet) - 15 pts Nightmare of Ashihama: Nightmare staff - 4 pts Inquisitor's great helm - 6 pts Inquisitor's Hauberk - 6 pts Inquisitor's Plateskirt - 6 pts Inquisitor's Mace - 12 pts Eldritch Orb - 18 pts Harmonised Orb - 18 pts Volatile Orb - 18 pts Jar of Dreams - 8 pts Pet - 14 pts SLAYER BOSSES Alchemical Hydra: Hydra's eye - 1.5 pts Hydra's fang - 1.5 pts Hydra's heart - 1.5 pts Hydra Tail - 4 pts Hydra Leather - 4 pts Hydra's claw - 6 pts Jar of chemicals - 7 pts Pet - 8 pts Thermonuclear Smoke Devil: Smoke Battlestaff - 4 pts Occult Necklace - 2 pts Dragon Chain - 6 pts Pet (1:3k) - 6 pts Kraken: Trident - 2 pts Tentacle - 2 pts Pet (1:3k) - 6pts Jar of Dirt - 5 pts Abyssal Sire: Unsired 2 pts Bludgeon piece 0.5 pts Abyssal Dagger 2 pts Jar of miasma - 3 pts Pet (1:2.5k effectively) 4 pts Cerberus: Crystals - 4 pts Smouldering Stone - 4 pts Jar of Souls - 5 pts Pet (1:3k) - 7 pts Lizard Shaman: Dragon Warhammer - 10 pts Grostesque Guardians: Granite Gloves - 2 pts Granite Ring - 2 pts Granite Hammer - 4 pts Black Tourmaline Core - 4 pts Noon Pet - 6 pts Jar of Stone - 8 pts Skotizo: Onyx - 7 pts Skotos - 7 pts Jar of Darkness - 5 pts Raids Tekton: Onyx - 7 pts Chambers of Xeric: Dexterous prayer scroll, Arcane prayer scroll - 3 pts Twisted buckler, Dragon hunter crossbow - 7 pts Ancestral robes (hat/robe top/robe bottom), Dinh's Bulwark, Dragon claws - 10 pts Twisted bow, Kodai insignia, Elder maul - 15 pts Pet - 25 pts Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode Metamorphic dust - 12 pts Twisted Kit - 6 pts Theatre of Blood: Avernic Defender Hilt - 3 pts Justiciar Faceguard - 5 pts Justiciar Chestguard 5 pts Justiciar Legguards - 5 pts Ghrazi Rapier - 7 pts Sanguinesti Staff - 7 pts Scythe of Vitur - 15 pts
s m o k e Posted July 7, 2020 Posted July 7, 2020 GWD Shards 1, 2 & 3 in 1 trip. + 3 pts for WG Corbula 1 Spoiler
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