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What is your current RS name? lsmail

List any previous RS namesIsh485

My stats:


Tell us about your RuneScape account and history.

I started playing runescape towards the end of primary school and have been playing on and off ever since, played alot during PRE-EOC building a zerk but that didnt really get far. Once OSRS was reintroduced i thought itd be a good time to start that up again and so i have!


Tell us about your clan history.


Tell us about your yourself.

My names Ismail from the UK aged 20, work a full time job but try to squeeze in RS as much as possible, always down for a conversation and meeting new people


How did you hear about us?  A reddit post regarding clans

What makes you want to join us? Out of all my friends that i used to play with im the last one and i guess i've had enough of playing alone and not really interacting with other players, ive been in the clan chat for a couple days now and you guys seem like a helpful and welcoming bunch!


Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clanYes


Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: 


Welcome Ismail

Former Tip.It Super Moderator, LND Legionnaire, WG Elite Guardian


Tip.It and WG Real Life Meeting Attendee

Hacked and Perm banned May 2018.

  • Retired Leader

Welcome to our boards. It’s certainly more fun playing with friends. I’m sure you’ll make many here :D

Mojo WG Forum Sig.png


Congratulations, you have been accepted into our community!

You are now an Initiate Guardian and have 3 weeks to attend 3 events, reply to at least 10 posts and graduate.


Here are some useful links:

Let me know when you've read this.

I and the staff are happy to answer any further questions.

Welcome to our clan!

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