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Posted (edited)

Elvar Gamlan


Tell us about yourself.

Hi everyone, some of you might have seen me lurking in your CC lately.

I'm Elvar (not my irl name, just my alias in fantasy worlds) and here's the long story short: I restarted RuneScape in May as I found a bit more spare time in my real life and eventually I found myself back in the world of RuneScape. I used to play back in the day and I think I retired from RS2 in somewhere 2010-11 when life started to be more interesting at the time. So I had just about 10 years break. Unfortunately I noticed that my old account cannot be transfered to OSRS so oh well, everything had to be done all over again. A lot has changed since then so it's quite interesting to find out more.

Back in the days in RS2 my main focus in playing was clans and slayer and therefore I didn't do much of other skilling or quests. I'm really proud of my 99 slayer and actually quite soon after I accomplished that I started to slowly play less and less RS2 and focus only in clanning and eventually retire.

At the moment I'm back on the long road to 99 slayer (81 slayer with 99cmb, flat 80s melee stats) but I plan to do a bit more skilling and quests as well, whatever the current feeling is. Real life obligations of course limit quite a lot of playing so basically I'm not going to stress about RS-goals at all and just casually play to enjoy.

Real life information: I'm 33 years old and from Finland (GMT+2), father of one child. I like to read, listen to music and do (and watch) sports and of course nowadays enjoy time with my child.


Clan history.  

I loved clanning back in the days. Here's the clan history but I'm not quite sure about the years as I don't remember them exactly:

2005 LoD, Legion of Doom: Small Finnish country clan. Basically just a small group of friends.

2006-07 SoG, Slavers of Godness: A bit bigger Finnish country clan. Became a leader, eventually clan died.

2007-2012 TRWF, The RuneScape Warhungers Federation: My first and only international clan. Some of you oldies probably remember us from the GMT-zone and with our 10pm bedtime rule. I truly enjoyed my time in TRWF, although RS updated with the removal of wilderness and bounty hunter and clan wars were the beginning of the fall of the clan. I quite quickly became a leader in smaller leadership role, but eventually climbed up the ranks to be a Concul (1 of 3) that were second to the Emperor Majin Wouter. After my activity dropped I became a Cencor, a kind of high-ranked mentor or advisor, in the leadership until the time I retired and TRWF was eventually closed.

Apart from the leadership qualities I was known in TRWF for setting up the Sniper Unit (when that sniping became a trend) and also I was one of the best binders for the clan. I tried to be a pk-leader too but I found out not to be skillful enough to do that. In TRWF I was strictly obeying and monitoring our honour-code in and out of the game and as a leader I expected that from every member. Back in the days discussions and actions were quite heated but I could safely say we were considered one of the more honourable clans in RS, just like WG was then and still is. We had a strict rule of not doing more than 3 hour long pk-run ins and we had quite a famous bedtime of 10pm GMT. Older players might remember that massive pk-run ins at that time could last 12+ hours.


2007-2010 TSG, The Slayers Guild: Only skilling clan I've been into. I was there mainly for the community during the road to 99 slayer.



How did you hear about us? After restarting I was browsing RS-forums to see which clans were still up and saw you guys. Unfortunately it seems not many older clans are left anymore.

Do you plan to join? I am thinking of it. I'm playing quite casually and cannot usually play long time so committing myself to clan events could be a bit difficult. Mainly I'm looking for a community (forums too) to spend time with while playing.


Any last comments?  

Hope you all have a nice day! Feel free to ask any questions!


My old RS2 stats (taken today from RS3):


Edited by Elvar Gamlan
Typos, added TSG to clan history.

Hello! Welcome to WG, im glad to see you back after a long break, If you got any questions don't hesitate to ask. im looking forward to seeing you around more.


One question though! What do you enjoy reading?

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, 1800RagList said:

Hello! Welcome to WG, im glad to see you back after a long break, If you got any questions don't hesitate to ask. im looking forward to seeing you around more.


One question though! What do you enjoy reading?

Hey ya, thanks!


When I was younger I read a lot of fantasy. Tolkien's LOTR and Raymond E. Feist's Serpentwar Saga just to mention few are still my favourites today.


Later I've become a huge fan of Conn Iggulden who has written three historical-fiction series: Emperor series (Gaius Julius Ceasar), Conqueror series (Genghis Khan) and War of the Roses (Medieval Britain). I would definitely recommend these to anyone interested of these historical figures and events. In addition I've read a lot of war history , mainly WW2, nowadays. And a good thriller is always a good read.


And of course good biographys are interesting for example about certain sports figures.


Do you like to read?

Edited by Elvar Gamlan

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