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Genesis Zero


Tell us about yourself.

I started RS well over 10 years ago because my school friends at the time played it. I never really played the game efficiently back then. I used to do things like castle wars and clan wars all the time and my stats were pretty bad (40-50s in non-combats). I started doing a lot of pking towards the end of RS2 (2010-2012) at which point I had been a member of several different clans. The most notable would probably be Last Alliance (small clan of super good pkers - Shark 0wnz, Wtf S7ven, I BH Chris I, etc.) and WG.

Eventually quit when EoC came out as RS was no longer the game I enjoyed. Moreover, I was starting my bachelor's so I wanted to place my focus there.

I started again about 2 years into oldschool due to the nostalgia. Eventually, I decided to pick up some pking again and joined WG for the good old days. Had my fair share of fun over a period of like 1-2 years in the clan until very recently. My interest in RS has been declining slowly but surely. I left the clan in part due to my lack of interest in the game among other more important reasons which I would not like to mention.

However, this clan will always have a special place for me and as long as I play RS, I will definitely be around in one way or another. At this point in time, I have no interest in clanning.

Moving on to my irl. Not much to say about me. You can call me Rooz. I'm 22 years old and I'm from Iran. I finished my bachelor's degree in Management of Information Systems with a minor in Supply Chain Management last year. I am applying for a visa to go to the UK (Newcastle University) for my Master's this year. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a visa last year so I missed out on a year. Hopefully, it all goes well this time. If you're interested in anything else, ask me whenever you see me!


Clan history.  



How did you hear about us? I think it was from one of His Lordship's recruitment videos some 6-7 years back. Don't remember though.

Do you plan to join? Don't think so. Not anytime in the near future at least.


Any last comments?  





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