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Tell us about yourself.

I'm Elliot, 24 from the UK.

I've been playing RS for about 10 years on & off. Used to love Multi PKing and then ventured into PvM. EoC made RS3 not as enjoyable for me as it did many. I finished off my Max cape and lost interest in the game.
I made an OSRS Account upon release but have only really been getting into it the past year or so. I play in my free time which isn't often, work full time and enjoy other things apart from gaming.

Volkswagen vans are one of my obsessions, recently bought a T6 (wont mean much to many) and am slowly converting it into a self-built camper. Hoping that me and my girlfriend will enjoy many trips away in it.

Apart from that IRL I Work in a shop, live with my girlfriend and have a dog called Socks. Oh and a Turtle called Sheldon (Used to have Amy too - Big Bang Theory but she escaped a couple years back.)


Clan history.  

None on this account but back on RS3 on Ell Meister (main) I used to be in FoF about 8 years ago which was pretty much the most fun I had in RS. Been in alot of Community clans, PvP, Clanwarring and PvM clans over the years though. BT,FoF,RoT,W77 CU, Zer0 to name a few but years ago. Currently in TBE on RS3 (on main).



How did you hear about us? Past clans & saw on OSRS Forums

Do you plan to join? Most likely


Any last comments?  

If you can't afford it, don't risk it.


  • Retired Leader

Nice intro and shame about that escaped turtle :(


Anyway I hope to see your application and you’re more than welcome to hang in wg_cc and in our Discord. Links at the top

Mojo WG Forum Sig.png

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