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Right, I've been considering this for a while now. Currently pure pking at my combat is a bit horrible with it just mostly being rushing, or Gmaul and tele from what most I've experienced. So my progress on it has sort of stagnated. Whilst pking on pures is fun, nobody in WG has a similar combat build meaning I have no teammates to go into multi combat and make use of my magic level to good effect.


What I'm considering is making my current pure into a Main of sorts/Alt to make money on. I've been steadily trying to level slayer but Cheldea is such terrible tasks you make very little progress on it as a one defence pure. If I gained defence and updated into a higher bracket for pking, I'd unlock Nieve for much better Gp gains meaning much better Gp/Bank will be made once I hit higher slayer which will be pretty quickly.  I also already have points for a slayer helmet which is a MASSIVE incentive. Part of the enjoyment of pures too for me is making the perfect killing machine. So leveling it up higher by the questing requirements and such too is a bit of a enjoyment.


All the PK builds will be 60 attack for now. Until I could afford to put an AGS on it. 


My options:

Going into a Berserker.

I was a Berserker on my current main when I first joined WG. However I made a mistake when getting Keys in Wildy GWD. Unwilling to risk my 20m Abby Dagger from a skill trick. I took my whip and forgot about the style change and was on controlled. Hit the undesired 46 Defence making my account look horrible without being a multiple of 5. 

I never had the current magic level of the pure so this would mean pking with vengeance and more than a few quests to gain barrows gloves/defence to 45 perfectly. Although getting a torso and fighter hat seems a bit horrible again. 


With Smite. http://prntscr.com/h8foq1

Maxing Zerk: http://prntscr.com/h8fww1


Piety pure:

I'm leaning more towards a Piety pure as it was what I really felt at home with on the original game in around 06/07 World 36 Edgeville PvP scene. I could eventaully upgrade attack to 70/75 as well if desired. 


Maxed Piety pure: http://prntscr.com/h8fxj


Whats your thoughts? 






3 minutes ago, Mushroom said:

i think you should make another account for a piety pure

do all the quests first etc... afk splash for 2 weeks... plan from beginning


imo nothing beats the thrill of 1def pure pking


Starting a piety pure from begining would take a hell of a lot longer. I'd rather do it with a one defence and experience the lower brackets since you can jump into pking eaiser. 

Upgrading the account is more about the money I could make using it as a alt at say Brutal Black Dragons and Gargs whilst maxing it. 


So nobody has a similar pure built like you? Really nice you thought of me there!

Like you said, have fun with getting b gloves, torso and fighter hat again. Try out a 20 def pure for a while, they're pretty fun and mystic never splashes©.







Q: Kimi, do you have any hobbies?
KR: I collect walnuts.





keep ur 1 def pure. making a new main is so ez tbh u can afk. pures take much more attention.

Leader and Head Warlord of the Wilderness Guardians


WildGuard let's gooooo!!!!           gold-ranged.gif  


Ex-Leader of The Sabres


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I have no real opinions or insight into pures.

Did you mean to post this in Guardian+? Could be moved to rs discussion or wg discuss if you want more input.

Mojo WG Forum Sig.png

12 hours ago, Lait Choco said:

So nobody has a similar pure built like you? Really nice you thought of me there!

Like you said, have fun with getting b gloves, torso and fighter hat again. Try out a 20 def pure for a while, they're pretty fun and mystic never splashes©.

 Your not a high enough combat yet to duo with! It's like waiting for christmas whilst it being february! 


I don't mind overall Mojo, whatever can get the most opinions on it really. 

12 hours ago, Ganja Sabre said:

keep ur 1 def pure. making a new main is so ez tbh u can afk. pures take much more attention.


It would still be a form of pure, and I can afk easily on a pure as well just sit at sandcrabs rather than do slayer. 


i mean

5 hours ago, suffud said:

 Your not a high enough combat yet to duo with! It's like waiting for christmas whilst it being february! 


I don't mind overall Mojo, whatever can get the most opinions on it really. 


It would still be a form of pure, and I can afk easily on a pure as well just sit at sandcrabs rather than do slayer. 

TBH i would love it if you made a 70 def pker with piety/rigour/augury, because we could pk together as mine is nearly maxed. that's selfish for me to say tho. logically speaking i have to advise to keep the 1 defense pure. i'm making one currently and it is much more tedious than making the 70 def acc.

Leader and Head Warlord of the Wilderness Guardians


WildGuard let's gooooo!!!!           gold-ranged.gif  


Ex-Leader of The Sabres


  • Retired Leader
6 hours ago, suffud said:

I don't mind overall Mojo, whatever can get the most opinions on it really. 

Moved it to rs discussion in that case :D 

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