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Topics - Al

Media and Comedy / Harlem Shake...and Gallon Smash
February 22, 2013, 11:21:57 AM
So my view on the Harlem Shake was pretty much the same as this...

Harlem Reacts to 'Harlem Shake' Videos

What's funnier though:

Gallon Smashing Prank "CHAIZY VIDEO"
House of Random / we have
February 16, 2013, 09:55:55 AM
a total of ~44 active members in wg, dg, sg.  :woeh:

[spoiler]that means we should have at least 35 visitor count in citadel  :3[/spoiler]
House of Random / Join WG
February 11, 2013, 01:59:23 PM
☼The Wilderness Guardians☼

Hey [you] I thought i'd give you a little info about my clan, WG:

What we have to offer like other clans

* P2P Pking - We are out several times weekly, with pk trips always being successful.
* F2P Pking - We have 1 F2P pk trip each week for the Aussie members
* Warring/PKRIs - We have a war or a PKRI usually every two weeks, but occasionally weekly.
* Requirements - We keep our requirements at 100+ F2P to keep standards high with our members.
* Excellent Community - The WildGuard community is one of the best in the clan world, and you can ask many people that will agree.
*Money-making - We have support in many money-making events, from GWD, just plain skilling events, and even EP-gaining!
*Active Teamspeak and IRC - Our Teamspeak server can hold up to 1,000 members in it, and our IRC channel is always filled with people chatting about anything you can think of.

What sets us apart from other clans

*5.5 Years - WildGuard is one of the longest standing clans in the clan world, and still going strong under the same leadership.
*Positive Reputation - WildGuard is one of the most well known clans, and we're always asked for wars/pkris.
*Clan Website - Our website is probably the best clan website in the entire clan world, with the largest set of photo archives in the clan world.
*Forums - Our forums are one of the most secure forums in the clan world with our forum technician, Robbiethe1st.
*Leadership - The Wilderness Guardians have always been under the same leadership of His Lordship since it was founded, making him one of the longest serving clan world leaders.
*Event Variety - We have events like no other clan has, with probably the most events of any clan in the clan world.
*Event Frequency - We have an event almost every other day, ensuring that people will always find something to do with WG.
*Clan Anniversary - Our Clan Anniversary is one of the most well known in the world, stretching over 7 days with 20 events, and millions in cash/item prizes.
*Anti-extended PKRIs - We have a policy on not having PKRIs that last longer than three hours because we believe our members abilities rely on skill, not returning sets.
*Mentor System - We have a system where our Trial Guardians are paired up with our veteran members to help learn their way around WG.
*Non-RS Games - WildGuard plays a wide variety of games not RS related, from iSketch, Cannons, and many other games.
*Easy Application System - WildGuard has a system that instantly puts a member into a clan, no future applicants.
*World Timezones - All timezones are covered in events, so no specific timezone suffers.
*Allied Events - WildGuard has many events with our allies, ensuring a strong, reliable relationship continues with our allied clans.

Website: www.wildernessguardians.com
Forums: www.wildernessguardians.com/forum
IRC: #wg_lobby for guests, #wg for full members
Requirements: 100+ F2P Combat

Good Luck wherever you go for!




PvP Games:

  • CWA Inter-clan Battle Ladder
  • Snowball Fight
  • Water Balloon Fight
  • Steel War
  • F2P Clan wars
  • Duel Arena Tournament
  • Raid (PK trip F2P and P2P)
  • PKRI (PK run-in, war in wilderness vs. clan)
  • Anti-crashing Wars
  • CWA War (P2P and F2P)
  • War/Tank Practice
  • King of The Hill
  • Red Chinchompa Showdown
  • Anti RPKing Trip
  • House Boxing Tournament
  • Wilderness Agility Arena + Anti-RPKing
  • Rune Rocks + Anti-RPKING


  • Citadel Resource Gathering
  • Clan Dungeoneering
  • Pyramid Plunder Race
  • Skillcape Party
  • Skill Competitions
  • Clan Skilling w/ Avatar
  • 99 Bonanza
  • Clan Farming Runs
  • Clan Merchanting http://wildernessguardians.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=5770
  • Bonus Xp Weekend Skilling Competitions
  • Team Achievement Diaries
  • Wilderness Fishing Peninsula



WG Special:

  • Veteran War
  • Anniversary
  • Clan Quest
  • Ultimate Runescapez
  • Jagex Cup (PVP)
  • Jagex Cup (Skilling)
  • Scavenger Hunt
  • Secret Santa
  • Citadel Lottery
  • Citadel Teams
  • Old School Pking
  • Inn Drinking Competition
  • Firefest
  • Campfire Stories (Teamspeak)
Real Life Discussion / Personality Test
January 10, 2013, 07:07:23 AM

I did this two years ago got ENTJ (the executive http://www.personalitypage.com/ENTJ.html), but I did it again and got INTJ. Basically E is extroverted and I is introverted. I can really be both depending on the situation, but I lean more to the introverted side. E was when I was in high school and since I've gotten into college I've spent most of my time alone, hence the I for introverted.

The common thing out of ENTJ and INTJ though, is that they're both planners, organizers, and natural leaders.

Mine: http://www.personalitypage.com/INTJ.html

Do yours!
House of Random / i have a dream
November 21, 2012, 11:53:53 AM
that one day

all work in this clan will just be structured, easy, and routine

i have a dream...that one day

i will be able to log onto scape freely and have max time to enjoy it

so as you might be able to tell...being staff right now isn't the funnest thing. but its all worth it. i can see that one day coming soon

*headache* going back to work now
Real Life Discussion / Wisdom
November 17, 2012, 08:11:35 AM
Post wisdom of any kind. Brotips, protips, proverbs, fables, legends, you get the idea. Just keep it clean. Rules: must put in in a spoiler code, and say why or what the lesson is.
I'll start with a few of mine and maybe edit more in later.


The story of the farmer and the soldier. The biggest misfortunes could be the biggest reliefs later on in life.
There is a Taoist story of an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit.

"Such bad luck," they said sympathetically.

"We'll see," the farmer replied.

The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses.

"How wonderful," the neighbors exclaimed.

"We'll see," replied the old man.

The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, was thrown, and broke his leg. The neighbors again came to offer their sympathy on his misfortune.

"We'll see," answered the farmer.

The day after, military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army. Seeing that the son's leg was broken, they passed him by. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned out.

"We'll see" said the farmer.[/spoiler]

Cars vs. Motorcycles
Chinese proverb: Cars use metal to protect the body. The body is used to protect the motorcycle.[/spoiler]
Achievements / [Finished] 200M Overall XP Party
November 14, 2012, 10:33:31 AM
What is it?
200M Overall XP Celebration

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

GMT: 8:00 PM
EST: 3:00 PM
AEST: Thursday 4:00 AM

Meeting place
W27, Yanille, we'll be going into my house.

What to bring?
Your best looking outfit! Come on TeamSpeak.

Right now I'm at 199,999,999 overall experience. I'll be summoning a War Tortoise for 200M.  :woeh:
House of Random / yolo?
November 10, 2012, 08:34:24 AM
you live everyday

you only die once

Real Life Discussion / New James Bond Movie
November 08, 2012, 04:36:50 PM
Last night I got to go see a private pre-release (yeah it comes out on the 9th in US) screening of Skyfall. I highly recommend everyone to see it, 10/10.
House of Random / always
November 06, 2012, 04:22:28 PM
hav nize day.
Real Life Discussion / Lance Armstrong
October 22, 2012, 08:19:12 PM
Cba to write my own opinion atm, but I'll take this off a comment page because it's similar to what I think.

"Lance passed the tests he was required to pass and won the titles per the rules."
House of Random / as long as you love me
October 14, 2012, 11:46:57 AM
we could be starvin  :'(

we could be homeless  :(

we could be broke  :/

Clan World Discussion / Clan Rating System
October 12, 2012, 05:30:05 PM
So as some of you may know I've been playing this game called NCAA (national collegiate athletic association) Football 13. Football as in American football or gridiron for some of you. On it there's this game mode where you can take an existing team such as Stanford or USC or whatever school and bring them to a championship by recruiting. During the recruiting process, you have a database of players to call and you get a limited amount of time to "call" prospects. You choose various topics to try to garner their interest, make promises such as giving them solid playing time, winning the national championship, the conference championship, many other things. You can "choose a pitch," which is basically trying to find what they are interested in in a football program and school, which includes tradition, coach prestige, coach stability (how long his contract is for and is his position at the school stable), academic prestige, championship contender, television exposure, campus lifestyle, playing style, proximity to home.

Think how we could use a rating system for WG or the RuneScape clan world.

proximity = timezone
playing style = what does the clan focus on?
coach stability = is the leader stable and there to stay?
championship contender = Jagex Cup contender
tradition = how long has the clan been around, what have they contributed to the clan world, their history
television exposure = public relations, what reputation they have in the clan world
coach prestige = what can the leader(s) bring or benefit/teach you?
playing time = what can you bring to the clan?

Post your thoughts and opinions. Could we use a ranking system like this? Other categories people look for in a clan?
Technical Support / Setting Up mIRC
October 04, 2012, 10:10:45 PM
Read before beginning. :3
[spoiler]Borrowed this guide from my friend BadSmurF from Skillers United. Credits go to him. In the guide, replace joining the #su channel with #wg_lobby instead.[/spoiler]

Right, I love mIRC. And wanted to make something to help people set it up. So that it looks nice. Instead of the default crappy look that puts people off.

To start is the mundane installing..
We start this journey by visiting mIRC.com.

Once downloaded, we can install ..

Then finishing the wizard, running mIRC..

When we open it, unless you register (and pay) mIRC you will always get this popup box..

After you reach '30 days' since you installed, you can still use this software, it might just take ~20 seconds before 'Continue' is an enabled button to click.

After clickin' 'Continue' and the next dialog, we get given a settings dialog..

Here you enter in your own nickname, and a alternative name incase your nickname is currently in-use.

For this example here's mine:

After setting your nickname we want to look into the IRC server you'l be connecting to. Lookin' here we go over to the treebar:

.. and clicking 'Servers' we are given the above screen.

Scroll through the options or click onto 'WebChat' and type in 'SwiftIRC'. Click the folder, click onto 'Random server' and..

.. Clickin' 'Ok'

Right so now we COULD connect to the server if we wanted, But we wanna make mIRC look a lil' prettier! Otherwise the thing looks fucking ugly.

Before makin' it look pretty, lets get auto identifying out of the way, and joining channels.

Lookin' at the toolbar, Click on the 'Scroll' type image..

Now we're looking at the SCRIPT EDITOR.
Click onto 'Remote' on the tab bar, it looks a lil' like this:

Once the Remote tab is pulled to the front, Go to File > New

Now since we've done that, we can put someone in Remotes to automatically identify you!
This is what you will need to put:

Copy and paste this, into Remotes:

on *:CONNECT: {
if ($network == SwiftIRC) {
ns id password
join #su

PLEASE NOTE: You will need to change 'password' to your current nicknames password. If you have yet to own a nickname and need to register, that'll happen soon. Just remember to put your password in here when you have.

Other: You can also add other channels to automatically join by doing something like this:

join #su,#runescape,#mIRC

Hit 'Ok' to save that script and it'l be ready for when you connect to SwiftIRC!

NEXT: (the pretties...)

Head back to the tool bar, clicking on the little address book icon like so:

Then click on the 'Nick Colors' tab.

Then go to 'Add' by the listbox:

Here we can set certain nicks to different colors depending on different variables.
First we're going to do people who have 'Operator' status in channels.

Set the nick color to whichever you want, I have it red. Under 'Channel Modes', remove the % and + so just the @ is left behind like so:

Then clicking 'Ok' to confirm the nick color addition.

Next up is those who have 'HalfOperator' status:
Setting the color to orange and removing the @ and + under 'Channel Modes'

Clicking 'Ok' again...

Next is 'voice' status..
I have them blue, and under 'Channel Modes' removing both @ and %.

And clicking 'Ok' again..

Lastly is 'No Mode', the rank which people get when they have to 'ranking' in the IRC channel.
I have this nick grouping as green. This one is different where we don't touch 'Channel Modes', but instead just click the tickbox which says 'No Mode':

After clicking 'Ok' you should be lookin at your Nick Colors listbox lookin' like this:

After Nick Colors we will set highlights. So click 'Highlights', it's the tab right next to 'Nick Colors', then click 'Add', and you should be looking at somethin' like this:

Here you can put your nick as a highlight, leaving 'Match on'. You have the ability to make it so that the line your highlight is said on is changed to a certain color, I have mine set to red (see picture above), and you can have it play a sound when you get highlighted (optional).

After clicking 'Ok' you should be left with a screen and listbox like this:

You're now pretty set to connect.
So go ahead, and apart from the sounds, the first thing you'll be greeted by is this horrible font.

So let's change that...
Right click on the server status text or 'SwiftIRC <yournickname>' and go to 'Font..' like so:

You'll be greeted by a 'Select Font' dialog. You can change the font and size, i personally like mine on the 'Tahoma' font, size 8.

Click 'Ok' when you have the font you like. Test fonts as you wish, return by right clicking 'SwiftIRC <yournickname>' -> 'Font'
Now when you connect you'll be greeted by some much nicer on the eyes font..

If you automatically joined a channel earlier then you can skip this next lil' part. If not, you will need to join a channel in order to change the font of channels. Just type

/join #su

Now we can change the font for channels! yay! .. Right click on a channel and click 'Font'..

Once again changing the font like the previous one, .. But! You must tick box of the tickboxes that appear so that your font change happens on ALL channels you're in, and the setting STICKS.

Now.. If after you've been online for awhile, you may start to see this..


To get rid of that.. Head over to the tool bar and go into 'mIRC Options'..

Scroll down the tree bar untill you see 'Display' .. if you need to expand it by clicking the little boxed + symbol. Click on the 'Marker' button and you get a 'Marker' dialog. Now untick the 'Show line marker' tickbox. Click 'Ok' and then 'Ok' again to get out of the settings dialog.

Awesome, you're pretty good to go.

Now if you have yet to register a IRC name, here's your chance. Choose the name you want to use, if you want to change your nick use

/nick newnick

Now to register, the syntax is Syntax: '/NS REGISTER password password email email' so as an example:

/NS REGISTER mynewpass mynewpass [email protected] [email protected]

You will need to enter your own password and email address. Please do NOT enter a false email account as SwiftIRC sends you a validation email which you need!

Now go check your email. GO!.
Because you should see your validation email. Inside it gives a one-time only code which you need to enter into SwiftIRC to gain FULL access to the nickname.
Use your code by typing:

/ns confirm [SwiftIRC's Code]

... they give you the line to copy and paste in the email, so it should be easy sailing from there.

If you are making the change from SwiftKit to mIRC please note: Links on mIRC: To open them, double click on the url posted in the channel, even though it isn't highlighted blue, it's still clickable!

If you're like cyrus and miss the ability to have links blue and underlined, then paste this into your remotes in the script editor.:

;this is actually needed to bypass mIRC's parsing behavior of strtok(str, ":")
alias urlreg return /((?:(?:(?:http|ftp|gopher)\72\/\/)|(?:www|ftp)\.)\S+)/Sig

;the coloring alias, blue (12), underline (31)
alias urlcolor return $+($chr(3), 12, $chr(31), $1-, $chr(31), $chr(3))

;trigger for the regex event only
on ^&$*:text:$($urlreg):*:{
  ;if we are in a channel, turn nick into @nick if applicable
  var %nick = $iif($chan, $nick($chan, $nick).pnick, $nick)

  ;color all the linkes using the predefined alias above
  var %msgs = $regsubex($1-, $urlreg, $urlcolor(\t))

  ;print the message, default timestamp, highlighting options, and nick coloring
  echo -tcrl normal $iif($chan, $v1, $nick) $+(<, %nick, >) %msgs

  ;prevent mIRC's default echo

This is not my code, but found here: http://stackoverflow...f-links-in-mirc - Credit to Wiz

Presuming in your script editor you have added auto identification, and this new code to make links blue and underlined, your script editor should look like this:
RuneScape Discussion / GWD Drop Rate Nerfed?
October 04, 2012, 07:47:06 AM
Has anyone noticed that drops are fairly harder to get now? I used to get a drop like every 30 kc of the Zamorak or Bandos boss. Do you think Jagex put out higher drop rates for the weeks after the graphical update was released?
Achievements / Level
September 15, 2012, 11:36:14 AM
Leveled thieving to 75 and finally got all skills 75 or higher. Yay!

Real Life Discussion / Where do WG members come from?
September 13, 2012, 10:17:59 AM
As you know, the Wilderness Guardians is a worldwide clan, with members coming from many different nations. One of our strengths is that we are very, truly diverse. This is a map that can pin a location anywhere in the world so we can see where our members are from. Help contribute your marker to the map!
You must have held membership at any given point in WG's history in order for your mark to be accepted. Get someone to vouch or post proof. If you've moved, post your home nation.


Important! Please use this template:

1. In name, you should put your forum name (present or past forums work), or most known nickname.
2. In place, you should put your nearest major city or town. For privacy reasons, do not mark your exact location.
3. In description, put all your former RuneScape usernames including the one you have right now, the date(s) you were in WG, and the rank(s) you held. If you can't remember the exact dates, you can approximate it.