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Messages - granitecrab

Quote from: Jesus on August 20, 2012, 10:46:58 PM
Taylor Swift - Dear John

It's @@@@@@ @@@@@@ gotta get down on @@@@@@
Everybody's looking forward to the weekend!
friday- "i forgot the artist"

@@@@@@ @@ @@@@ - where do we go when we are leaving
@@@@@@ @@ @@@@ - whatever comes to set us free
@@@@@@ @@ @@@@ - I've gone a long way and I see there's no wishing well
The choice is made, it's @@@@@@ @@ @@@@
*TFS* Hellsing Ultimate Abridged Episode 1

i love hellsing and thin i found this! pissed my self loling
Real Life Discussion / Re: Most attractive
August 17, 2012, 03:45:05 AM
Quote from: Pacman Syu on August 08, 2012, 09:17:50 AM
Okayokayokay, I've got a serious serious serious crush on Lindsey Stirling.

✔ Adorable
✔ Talented
✔ Attractive in that perfect way
✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ Not a slut

Guys...I really like this girl  :$

LINDSEY STIRLING ►►► Crystallize on Vimeo

We Found Love- Lindsey Stirling- VenTribe

i cant beat that but.... jennifer lopez

RuneScape Discussion / Re: Well...Whoops...
August 16, 2012, 09:04:24 PM
House of Random / philosophic thing's that are true.
August 15, 2012, 05:51:47 AM
A man without mercy is a man without heart.
A man with too much, is a man who's not smart.
You'll catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. But once you've caught those fuckers, you better kill them.
You shall peer into the mind of man, and upon that fabled view, you shall see every color in the spectrum of thought and emotion. You shall see thoughts that were not meant to be thought, let alone seen. If you were to peer into someones imagination, one would find unparalleled depths of violence, mayhem, chaos, and dysfunction. But among those evil thoughts, would be a word. A single idea, a single feeling which can topple empires and empower or crush the very souls of those who truly experience it. The single feeling that is more powerful than any other. A truly blissful emotion. Hate.

Everyone has hate for something, and anyone can channel that hate into their own power. It takes a stronger man to let go of the hate in his mind and let love fuel him. Love for life, love for happiness, love for anything other than hate. But no man is strong enough to abolish hate from himself, only bury it. And that hate will resurface again. When? No one can know. How? No one can know. All you can do is plan for the worst, hope for the best, and try to find what makes us happy.
The sins done by the good shall be outweighed by the good done by their sins.
I am intelligent, not smart.
i'm safe. military grade training and my gram pa's good 22cal leaver Acton rifle along with other... "toy's" and some basic survival gear and skills. i say i can deal with it. for a while. and if others are going to go rouge and try to kill me for my shit... *lol* i hope they like fire. and a lot of it. and FMJ round's for my AR15 and BXP (do you know how hard it is to find one that's semi auto!). hahahah. only problem with my BXP is the fucking recoil! but at close range it will work good. and my AR15 will let me take head's off day and night. and i have a nuff ammo for a small village. so bring it on! i'll have some fun with this zombie outbreak if it ever happens. well maby not use the gun's, but melee weapon's on the zed's. noise will git you killed. noise bring's the horde. so only use quiet gun's like a 22 or melee weapon's for zombie killing. but on rouge's and bandit's go all out with you gun's because they will to. but after the fire fight. RUN FOR THE FUCKING HILL'S. and also try to grip on to sanity. make joke's while killing a zed or two. like you got your trusty baseball bat and on the run up say "here's the pitch" and on the swing say "it looks like it's a home run!" little thing's like that will make you stay sane more or less. little one liner's, they can be funny and take your mind off the death for a min or two. never make a fire without incloseing it. light will bring zed's and rouge's and robber's to you. try to set up shop in a place with walls or in a house. and try to hide you self as best as posiable. if you must make a fire in the wild make shure you do it in a open area. a plan of land or a clearing. so atleast you can see a ways off at what your shooting at due to the light being given off by your fire. i can go on and on about how to survive in hostel area's but i'm lazy...  :P
Quote from: Keith on August 14, 2012, 11:32:17 PM
Quote from: Zemus on August 14, 2012, 07:09:00 AM
This is the best song ever made in the world
This is the best song ever made in the world
other songs have instruments like guitar or girl
but they are not the best song ever made in the world

this is the best song ever made in the world jon lajoie YOU POSTED IT AWHILE BACK I STILL REMEMBER

and KEANU I LOVE ALIVE IN CHAINS REGARDLESS OF NEW SINGER, LITERALLY my favorite band ever. Have a Layne poster in my dorm room (rip layne :'()

Check my brain - alice in chains - black gives way to blue album

We must be swift as
a coursing river
With all the force
of a great typhoon
With all the strength
of a raging fire
Mysterious as the
dark side of the mooooooooooon

well cant find it...
RuneScape Discussion / Re: Youtube thieves
August 08, 2012, 06:52:44 PM
keanue's reaction
Join the Clan / Re: WR3K SH0P Intro
August 08, 2012, 06:43:38 PM
Media and Comedy / Re: Desktop/background thread.
August 07, 2012, 02:50:40 AM
hear are my background's

and thin 30min's later it's...
Media and Comedy / Re: Desktop/background thread.
August 07, 2012, 02:16:21 AM
Quote from: Kung_Man149 on April 24, 2012, 08:32:23 PM
Just post a pic of your Desktop background and compare. :)

you fucking saint you.
ff7 is the bomb diggity and you sir have made me jelly
Media and Comedy / Re: Yea...shut up. lol
August 05, 2012, 05:57:46 PM
DO I interest YOU!

Achievements / Re: I be burnin~
August 05, 2012, 05:49:55 PM
Achievements / Re: 95 Pray :D
August 05, 2012, 05:44:44 PM
you have raped the clan world dead body. how do you feel about this?

grats btw
RuneScape Discussion / Re: GRANITECRAB VS MOJOHAZA1
August 05, 2012, 04:48:35 AM
Quote from: Mojohaza1 on August 04, 2012, 11:44:01 PM
Quote from: granitecrab on August 04, 2012, 11:27:38 PM
Quote from: granitecrab on August 04, 2012, 10:28:09 PM

mojo win's this bout. it was 3 round's 2 of them he won. and i got the last round. range is a op in f2p. scroll down for vid.
rule's: basic no arm. as if fighting in wild for rune loot. best out of 3 round is winner.
i will duel more of the clan if you wish to fight me. pm me ingame or on irc and let me know. i only do f2p fighting but if you want to make it fun we can make some stupid rule's up and try to fight that way. btw respect to mojo. dood risk's like hell and so did i. i had a blast fighting someone like him!

stats: granitecrab          stats: mojohaza1
f2p cb:123                     f2p cb:117
att:99                            att:95
str:99                            str:86
def:99                           def:99
lp:99                              lp:98
range:84                       range:99
magic:67                       magic:99
prayer:75                      prayer:75

The ultimate way of gaining post count:

Quote your own topic inside your own topic.
RuneScape Discussion / Re: GRANITECRAB VS MOJOHAZA1
August 04, 2012, 11:27:38 PM
Quote from: granitecrab on August 04, 2012, 10:28:09 PM

mojo win's this bout. it was 3 round's 2 of them he won. and i got the last round. range is a op in f2p. scroll down for vid.
rule's: basic no arm. as if fighting in wild for rune loot. best out of 3 round is winner.
i will duel more of the clan if you wish to fight me. pm me ingame or on irc and let me know. i only do f2p fighting but if you want to make it fun we can make some stupid rule's up and try to fight that way. btw respect to mojo. dood risk's like hell and so did i. i had a blast fighting someone like him!

stats: granitecrab          stats: mojohaza1
f2p cb:123                     f2p cb:117
att:99                            att:95
str:99                            str:86
def:99                           def:99
lp:99                              lp:98
range:84                       range:99
magic:67                       magic:99
prayer:75                      prayer:75

RuneScape Discussion / Re: GRANITECRAB VS MOJOHAZA1
August 04, 2012, 11:26:59 PM
Quote from: Raging Mage2 on August 04, 2012, 11:19:56 PM
grats mojo for winning at such bad odds, beat max haha...

"mojo win's thin bout" what
range>melee in f2p
August 04, 2012, 10:28:09 PM

mojo win's this time. it was 3 round's 2 of them he won. and i got the last round. range is a op in f2p. scroll down for vid.
rule's: basic no arm. as if fighting in wild for rune loot. best out of 3 round is winner.
i will duel more of the clan if you wish to fight me. pm me ingame or on irc and let me know. i only do f2p fighting but if you want to make it fun we can make some stupid rule's up and try to fight that way. btw respect to mojo. dood risk's like hell and so did i. i had a blast fighting someone like him!

stats: granitecrab          stats: mojohaza1
f2p cb:123                     f2p cb:117
att:99                            att:95
str:99                            str:86
def:99                           def:99
lp:99                              lp:98
range:84                       range:99
magic:67                       magic:99
prayer:75                      prayer:75

Creative Corner / 40k/mpl drawing
August 03, 2012, 01:22:44 AM
ya this is what happen's when a brony get's bored...

(P.S fluttershy it best pon3.)

Achievements / Re: This is huge for me.
August 02, 2012, 08:54:24 PM

Media and Comedy / Re: the ultimate showdown
August 01, 2012, 10:49:29 PM