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Messages - Snowzak

Thanks, will try that out! any recommendations for classic dg?
Hi, so I'm a dungeoneering noob, but I need to get those gravites but I barely have time for a few dungeons a day.

How do you recommend being the most efficient with my time to get as many tokens in as little time as possible?

I still don't fully get what's important for prestige and what's not, I've checked guide but I'm a bit confused at all the parameters involved. Is there like a rule of thumb to follow?

Guest Lounge / Re: Transferrals from Old Forums
July 14, 2011, 11:20:14 PM
I have read the rules and wish to be transferred to the new forums.
Guest Lounge / Public recaps
July 14, 2011, 01:25:58 AM
No public fight recaps section on this forum?