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Messages - Reece

Gaming / Re: World of Warcraft
May 30, 2012, 01:53:18 AM
That's kind of what i hate about the state of PvP in WoW at the moment. The realms that are regarded as the popular PvP realms are infact just the PvP communities who RBG/Arena/Duel out at elwynn or durotar 24/7 With the ratios being vastly outnumbered. WTB some good ol' fashioned competitive WPvP. I remember one of the main things that caught me eye when my friend introduced me to WoW, he was with 2 rogues mates just camping the gate at ashenvale (contested territory from the horde sided barrens) just ganking all day forming into large scale wars. I want that back :<
Gaming / Re: Diablo 3
May 29, 2012, 06:50:14 AM
Either farm up to skele king, or up to Butcher. The reason I've chosen to barely farm up to butcher is due to his mechanics causing me to change my builds (And lose NV in the process) from super duper awesome DPS kiting build, to lay down explosive traps and stand my distance :<

But i mean like that'll only give you so much gear. The reason there's so much better gear on AH is due to people abusing chests and waypoints in Act 4 and Pony Level.
Gaming / Re: Diablo 3
May 28, 2012, 03:17:19 AM
In the same boat as you at the moment Eregion, except i haven't even bothered trying Act 2 because I feel the need to get my gear to a certain point before continuing anyways.

Also got my first legendary... it was a quiver.. and it is a beast and level 60, only useless affix on it is strength. I'll upload a pic later when i got more stuff to show :3 If i am ever to replace it, from what i'm guessing will have to be a perfectly rolled quiver now i'll be able to sell this one for a few mill, so i'm fairly happy  ^.^
The fact that it was night time is one of the main reasons that anything came out of this. The fact that they were CHARGED for dressing up for a party and walking home/to a friend, I'm sorry but that's just plain fucking retarded. What does this mean for people for future dress up parties who walk home? Anyone who makes rash assumptions will be calling the police for suspicion.

If the guys were harassing the girls and purposely causing harm to them, charge them all they want, but from what the article states, that wasn't the case.

I'd be concerned if there was 2 escapees from a mental hospital. What do you see on the media every day? War, death... sports and weather  ##

QuoteHaha, absolute legends.

Pity they had to pay the price though :(

Edit: It's not really the money part of the charge I'm annoyed about, it's the good behaviour bond. They pretty much got put on a last chance deal for crap.
Gaming / Re: Diablo 3
May 26, 2012, 02:20:13 AM
If you got mark of death, definetly chuck it on your bars. You won't need vault for him, instead use smoke screen + the 60% movement passive bonus, unless you have the rune. He will always go left punch, right punch, both hands. As soon as you see the start of that combo you can run to the other side of the stage leaving you ample time to get some dps out. When he goes to the phase with all the green on the floor, try not to run around like a mad man, just be calm and stick to around 3 spaces and rotate back and forth avoiding the explosions as they will disappear fairly quickly. If you have the elemental arrow, definetly switch over to that, from memory it'll hit belial more than once since his body is so large.

If you continue to have trouble, just resort to a public game. To be honest, Belial with more than 1 person is just a matter of avoiding shit then ressing eachother until his dead. I've personally ressed someone around 10 times in that 1 fight.

p.s. As you can see to the right of you near the end of the stage, i usually position myself there during the aoe phase and just slowly move myself around that area.

EDIT: I'm definetly a newfag to diablo, but i'll tell you this, I'm far better than the majority of the players that I've played with so far (some being ex-diablo players as well), some of the shit that people die to is ridiculous, I usually give them the benefit of the doubt, but when it happens 6 times in a row, they've got some problems. Oh i'm not referring to you Kyle and the Belial, I died to Belial many times on my first go, just gotta memorize his combos and you'll be fine. His one of the more difficult bosses, just due to the fact that the majority of his hits are 1 shot. Doesn't hurt to AH some items too (vitality is ridiculously OP in normal as it prevents alot of the 1 shot abilities, upgrades help so much i can't stress enough. Went from 8k damage to 20k damage after spending 1 session at the AH.

that is the best .gif ever, ever...
Media and Comedy / Australia Military Invasion
May 26, 2012, 01:53:56 AM

To be quite honest, if i was one of the police officers i would've just laughed at the situation. This is what happens when you put so much fear in the media. Kind of ashamed to say it's my home town.
Gaming / Re: Diablo 3
May 25, 2012, 03:51:44 AM
Level 59 DH. I don't even want to go through what i went through with the digital download, but yeah, was a few days behind everyone else. Gotta say, although i have heard of Diablo before I just never got around to playing them, and I'm enjoying this game alot. On Act 4 Hell, almostttttt to inferno. Kinda funny, excited about finishing Hell, yet I'm sure I'm going to cry myself to sleep once i get to inf.
RuneScape Discussion / Re: Double drops loot?
May 22, 2012, 07:43:28 AM
Jelly of dem quadruple loots of le phoenix necklaces
Gaming / Re: Help keep Hope alive. :)
May 13, 2012, 10:51:03 AM
Unfortunately i found this topic way toooo late. But far out I love the idea of that game. Also found http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/stainlessgames/carmageddon-reincarnation?ref=category Childhood memories, so keen for this to come through after so many years.
Real Life Discussion / Re: Odd habits
April 20, 2012, 03:00:06 PM
Know what you mean Kevin, only way i can sit like without them crossed is by slouching forward.
Gaming / Re: Diablo 3
March 31, 2012, 06:23:31 AM
Girlfriend just got the beta invite to Diablo, so i started getting all excited and created a battletag for my battle.net account. I made mine PenusBeard... didn't realise they aren't changeable at this current time  :wtf:
"Usually its not the bar that causes this. I thought that for a long time until I got huge marks all over my shoulders after doing standing calf raises with shoulder pads. This may not be the same thing as you, but I found out I get those marks whenever I rest the weight on the seam of my t-shirt. They often have seams on top of the shoulders, which force the weight into 1 small spot and will cause some blood vessels to burst.

So unless your using an incredible amount of weight, and your squatting with the bar on your shoulders instead of traps, this is probably the case."

I found a better site when it first happened to me but can't seem to find it. But yeah pretty much they are broken capillaries. I get them everytime i do standing calf raises thusfar, padding or no padding makes no difference.
Gaming / Re: World of Warcraft
March 23, 2012, 01:59:23 AM
Anyone get a beta inv yet? :<
Media and Comedy / Re: holy f**kballs
March 16, 2012, 05:17:30 PM
Wow i am so glad that they have actually moved forward from America's got talent, assuming it's the same group. They have improved so much, yet the black eyed peas routine still takes the cake from me
Gaming / Re: World of Warcraft
March 07, 2012, 01:46:22 PM
Decided to scroll myself since i was always planning on transferring to a deadbeat battlegroup after being in bloodlust my whole wow time and works out pretty cheap compared to transferring an already existing toon. All hail the mighty PENUSBEARD!

Gaming / Re: World of Warcraft
March 07, 2012, 06:36:33 AM
Oh and a free character/faction change.
Gaming / Re: World of Warcraft
March 07, 2012, 06:34:04 AM
If somebody has an inactive account and wants free cataclysm, a free level 80, let me send you a scroll of ressurection please :>
Guides / Re: Professional F2P Looting - 3-5Mil/Hour
March 07, 2012, 06:23:31 AM
The awkward moment when you say your friend will trade some earnings and it's your character  ##

So is this even more viable since we have a money pouch now? or did i skim the video too much.
Gaming / Re: World of Warcraft
February 22, 2012, 12:22:50 AM

had a little fun dinging 85 in a 80-84 WSG :>

Pity we had no healers :(
House of Random / Re: Your typing speed?
February 13, 2012, 04:28:57 AM
Oh :3

Visit the Typing Test and try!

Words per minute (WPM)   123
Keystrokes   630
Correct words   125
Wrong words   2
Gaming / Re: Knights of the Old Republic
February 10, 2012, 03:06:20 AM
Only so much MMORPG designers can do these days since WoW has pretty much made itself as the leader of the genre. But there has been alot of people who have shipped off to swtor, so there must be a pretty good reason :) i was keen on starting it, but held myself back from getting stuck into another time sink.
Gaming / Re: World of Warcraft
January 28, 2012, 09:03:00 AM
Rerolled on tich alliance with my mage and RAF'ing up a hunter (last class i haven't had at 85), dreading cataclysm quests again though. Having a pretty good time, did a RBG with vanguards the other day, twas entertaining :3 Plus with tich being so popular there's people on at all times pretty much.
Guest Lounge / Re: Still standing strong eh?
January 24, 2012, 05:07:15 PM
Wrecknsex  ##
Ohai thur.