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Messages - His Lordship

Real Life Discussion / Re: Oh btw
March 08, 2012, 01:31:27 AM
Wasn't me.
I'm sure whoever did it had a good reason.
Media and Comedy / Re: Amazing news advert
March 05, 2012, 12:47:23 PM
Holy shit massive respect.
It's ads like these that make me despise my creative limits.
Fuck you geniuses.
Join the Clan / Re: Sanderinoa's Introduction
March 05, 2012, 12:41:34 PM
Much respect to you for not changing your RSN all this time Alex.
Welcome to the clan. I hope you find the community embracing and warm.
If you've got any problems at all, let me know.
Join the Clan / Re: Chief Zephyr's Application
March 04, 2012, 06:50:06 AM
Hi Morgen.
If equality means that much to you I think you've found the right clan :)
I truly do look forward to meeting you.

PS - Massive respect points for me in regard to the study of medieval weapons.
That's one thing I've always wanted to know about. I look forward to many a conversation about that!
Join the Clan / Re: Alliteration's Introduction
February 29, 2012, 01:14:26 AM
Well, I give bonus points for charisma, I can say that much.
Join the Clan / Re: Ledawg's Introduction
February 28, 2012, 04:11:35 AM
Oh shit of course.
Join the Clan / Re: Ledawg's Introduction
February 28, 2012, 04:08:50 AM
You might be thinking of Zemus?
Creative Corner / Re: Ferona
February 28, 2012, 01:56:29 AM
I realised that retrospectively.
I would rename the land now.
Haven't decided what to.
Creative Corner / Ferona
February 28, 2012, 12:57:16 AM
Back in 2006/2007, DBN and I were going to create a game called Shadowcast, an MMORPG.
This would have been the map:

^Right click > View Image to expand^

What I love about this map is that it is geographically feasible, unlike Runescape where deserts are a short walk away from icy mountains, and tropical islands that are square in shape.
Geilenor is seriously flawed... seriously.

Mine is all plains and forests, with two great mountains in the middle.
It's only an island, but to give you a sense of scale, the town in the bottom left, Clara, is about the size of Varrock.
So there is a lot of wilderness and no mans land in between, but truly that is where all the excitement is.
I would have placed great roaming boeasts, haunted sections of a forest, travelling minstrels that you could only stumble on by chance etc.
It's a game where the cities are only starting points, and the real adventures are out in the open wilderness.

And please do look at the map and imagine the backstories to it.
I spent at least 30-40 hours inventing this world.
I made sure all the names were significant.
There is not a single insignificant name.

I'll name a few now:

Dendon's Teeth (top of the map) - A series of rocky outcrops in the water. Dendon is an underwater beast that will die if it is ever seen by a human. It is extremely powerful save for this one weakness. It doesn't actually appear in the game, but it causes great ocean storms and whirlpools... so no it is never seen.

Fratres (centre-left, by the lake) - The latin word for "eternal bond of brothers". A community of spiritual men who worship the land's deity, also skilled in a westernised version of ninjitsu. They develop cutting edge methods of assassination (via weapon technique, poison, the lot) but they kill for the greater good.

The Pilgrim's Sea (bottom left) - This land (since it is an island) was undiscovered by man for a very, very long time. The first men who arrived 800 years ago were pilgrims escaping persecution in a distant land. They founded the city of...

Geroba, which in their old tongue translates to the meeting point between the earthly realm and the spirit world, though this is all but forgotten by modern man. The city fell into ruin under mysterious circumstances and was abandoned 500 years ago, and then in the last century reclaimed and rebuilt. The city now looks like a hybrid of the old style and the new style of architecture.

Clara (near Geroba) - The town near Geroba, named after the wife of a ruling elder in Geroba, who reclaimed the city in the last century. It is a new town, built around a giant statue of Clara, who gave her life in exchange for her husbands, who was mortally wounded in a hunt. She was one of the few people who knew the incantation of life, which allows the life force of one person to be moved into another. This incantation of course can be used for great evil, but so good was she that rather than sacrifice any other living thing, she gave herself up to save her husband. When her husband had recovered, he left Geroba and spent all his wealth building Clara in her memory.

Unnammed Village (near Clara) - This is the starting village for all player characters. You wake up on the shore with nothing but a harp-like instrument (but not quite a harp) and a small boat, not remembering anything of your past. The village has the basics of life in Ferona. A chapel for the worship of the diety, docks for fishing, a town hall etc... the whole village is built around the grand oak, next to which is a deep well that draws water from near the oak's deepest roots. It is said to give long life to those who drink from it. This village is made of people who left Clara, seeking a simpler life without the complexities of living in a big town.


Those are six names on the map.
Imagine what I thought up for the rest!

I still want to turn this into a game.
PLEASE comment with your thoughts. Don't just read and close, or tl;dr
House of Random / Re: True
February 27, 2012, 10:52:33 PM
Nobody gets to exotic dance without being in serious near-death circumstances.
Join the Clan / Re: evil deedz app
February 27, 2012, 03:24:14 AM
Welcome to the community Peyton - Good name. First person I've met with that name.
Your talent is strength? Do you do bodybuilding?
Join the Clan / Re: Rob's Introduction.
February 27, 2012, 03:23:06 AM
Pleased to meet you Rob.
I'm looking forward to gettin to know you better over the coming days!
You listen to classical then?
If so, we have some amazing things to talk about lol
Join the Clan / Re: pvm lord H application
February 25, 2012, 01:19:57 PM
Hey Hussain, it's a pleasure to meet you. I look forward to getting to know you a little better over the next few days.
Talk to you soon.
Join the Clan / Re: Magicana89's Moderator Application
February 25, 2012, 01:17:02 PM
Just letting everyone know that I've interviewed magicana/blizzard and found him to be a good potential member.
I've covered everything about the basics of DG with him, but he is level 78 so I did not process his app.
He will get 80 tomorrow, after which any leader can add him to the CC, ML and forums etc.
Hello Asaad,
I've had the privilege to know a number of Arabic people from my time in WG, and I've found them to be amongst the friendlist people I've known.
I look forward to meeting you properly!
RuneScape Discussion / Re: His Lordship
February 24, 2012, 01:50:20 PM
Hey dude,

There is no bad blood between old schoolers.
We both know what was lost and we both miss it dearly.

I've only ever hated you in the way a brother hates a brother.
We disagreed on many things, but as PVP advocates we are still family.

Your support is most appreciated, and as mentioned above, I am humbled by your moves to help unify the disparities.

Thanks. Very, very much.
Real Life Discussion / Re: Making Cider
February 24, 2012, 12:30:05 PM
Well I can't be certain, but I reckon that's how strong it was going by the taste and the effect.
Join the Clan / Re: Jayson (Re)Joining
February 24, 2012, 04:23:39 AM
Real Life Discussion / Re: Making Cider
February 24, 2012, 04:12:59 AM
Tastes pretty awesome tbh. I could skull it or sip it.
Real Life Discussion / Making Cider
February 23, 2012, 04:09:36 PM

The ingredients

Mixing them all and shaking them

Left to ferment for 3 days

Looks like orange juice, tastes like cider

Enjoying our 2 litres of shit strong (like 10-12%), $5 apple cider

I know it's meant to ferment for 2 months... but this was our test run.
We're going to try it with like, 6-8 bottles of juice this time round, leave it for 2 months, and have a sloshfest for less than $30 lol.
Guest Lounge / Re: For those who remeber me.. vibragou...
February 23, 2012, 04:22:19 AM
Hey dude I remember you quite clearly lol.
How's it going and how have you been?
Guest Lounge / Re: Hello WG
February 20, 2012, 11:51:10 PM
It's his birthday today!
RuneScape Discussion / Re: Jagex Voice Acting Contest
February 19, 2012, 03:58:19 PM
I wasn't trying to be anything...
Creative Corner / Re: Rawr.
February 19, 2012, 03:45:34 PM
This shit is pretty epic dude.
Well done, I'll start using one on RSC very soon.
RuneScape Discussion / Jagex Voice Acting Contest
February 19, 2012, 03:43:28 PM
[smg id=196 type=av]



"Ow...my spleen!"

"Ouch...my duodenum!"

"Urgh...my pancreas!"

"Oh Gods, all my organs hurt!"

"So much pain..."

"Where...where am I?"

"He broke my bones...my blood...my everything!"

I reckon I have a good chance.