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Messages - His Lordship

Media and Comedy / RS Porno Titles
February 19, 2012, 10:49:21 AM
Copied from the old forums.
I quite enjoyed reading them, so reposted.

Add more if you can think of them.

Clan Whores Arena (His Lordship)
Fisting Guthix (His Lordship)
The Knights of Cumalot (His Lordship)
Rimhaven (Caim) - Sequel will be Rimmington (His Lordship)
Gag and Bone Man (Reticked)
Cum Deal (Reticked)
Cocking Out (Reticked/His Lordship)
Fisting Contest (Kung Man)
Toktz-ket-dildo (Reticked)
Bumbridge (Caim)
two-bone wanna trio (Imbryanman)
Pimp Catcher (Reticked)
Rape Atoll (Caim and Kung man)
The Giant Dwarf (Reticked)
Back to my Rooting (His Lordship)
Cum Fever (Caim)
Mounting Daughter (His Lordship)
McGrubor's Woody (His Lordship)
Semen Slayer (Caim)
Breast Control (Taibz)
Breasts of Burden (His Lordship)
Queers Village (Reticked)
The deflower game (His Lordship)
Cock Tower (Caim)
Gertrude's Pussy (His Lordship)
"My arm's big adventure" (Caim)
White Wolf Mounting (Caim)
Mod Bimbo and Andrew Plower (His Lordship)
The Gland Exchange (His Lordship)
Big Chompy Bird Humping (His Lordship)
The Granny Exchange (His Lordship)
69M Drop Panty (His Lordship)
Pooncrafting  (His Lordship)
Dagganoth Sex (Raging Mage)
Cumbridge (Zurvivorman)
Underground Puss (Ikahigurashi)
Vampire Layer (Ikahigurashi)
Between a Cock (Ikahigurashi)
Whore from the Deep (Ikahigurashi)
Legacy of Queergays (Ikahigurashi)
The Lost Titty (Ikahigurashi)
House of Random / Re: I want..
February 17, 2012, 09:12:13 AM
Quote from: DG Keanu on February 16, 2012, 05:46:55 PM
To transform into a squirrel, find the female squirrel from the old cartoon version of The Sword in the Stone and fuck her brains out.

Yeah OK, that was a good one lol.
I'm still smiling like an idiot.
Join the Clan / Re: MrSwagItOut's Application for dg
February 16, 2012, 03:47:10 AM
Hey man, welcome to the clan.
Media and Comedy / Re: WG's hilarious pictures!
February 16, 2012, 03:45:54 AM
House of Random / Re: Why?
February 12, 2012, 03:40:24 PM
Have you stopped to consider how old that building is?
It was completed in 1372, so 640 years old.
How many of today's master buildings would last that long? Not many.

It was also built perfectly straight. The terrain changed under it which is why it leans, not because of the metric system :3
Real Life Discussion / Re: Fitness Records
February 12, 2012, 06:45:57 AM
No more new running distances, or else the records will get swamped.
1 mile
Longest distance should be enough, unless there's something else that enough people want like 400m or something.
Real Life Discussion / Re: Fitness Records
February 12, 2012, 05:53:26 AM
Mark also gets his thank you's reset.
House of Random / Re: Your Super Power
February 11, 2012, 12:19:37 PM
Quote from: Panda|Vulcan on February 11, 2012, 12:04:20 PM
Quote from: His Lordship on February 11, 2012, 09:03:57 AM
You did it wrong.
QuoteYou may only have ONE power.
Gf reading skills.

House of Random / Re: Your Super Power
February 11, 2012, 11:49:16 AM
You guys got way better super powers than me.
House of Random / Re: Why?
February 11, 2012, 09:10:54 AM
Yes, that's the problem.
You do what you want...
And from the looks of it, what you want is fucking madness.
House of Random / Re: Your Super Power
February 11, 2012, 09:03:57 AM
You did it wrong.
QuoteYou may only have ONE power.
Gf reading skills.
House of Random / Re: Your Super Power
February 11, 2012, 08:44:36 AM
His Lordship lords over a collection of bulls. Terribly, His Lordship becomes out of control during combat in the presence of diamond.

I got a shit one...
House of Random / Your Super Power
February 11, 2012, 08:43:03 AM

What is your super power?

Click on this link to be taken to the random super power generator.
Use your Runescape username.
Choose your gender.
You MUST have a weakness.You may only have ONE power.

Paste your super powers below.
Choose the first result. Do not regenerate powers until you find something you like. That takes the fun out of it.
Real Life Discussion / Re: Fitness Records
February 11, 2012, 08:28:40 AM
A few things:

1. Updated
2. Mark is forever excluded from being in the record
3. Coach, I get that sentiment a lot. My squats are the whole way, and I have a personal trainer witness me for all my heaviest lifts. I don't know why my squats are better than my deadlifts.
Guest Lounge / Re: HELLO
February 07, 2012, 04:14:21 AM
Wtf is this NH reunion party on an honour clans forums?!
Mojo has the right of it.
I came well.
Real Life Discussion / Re: 3 Things
February 07, 2012, 02:50:22 AM
You carry a bag around everywhere?
Guest Lounge / Re: HELLO
February 03, 2012, 06:51:12 PM
I killed WG.
I was the one that shut down the clan for a few hours, resulting in D-Day.
Guest Lounge / Re: "Killing BK + WG"
February 03, 2012, 03:32:05 PM
Alright, let's fuck this kids up. They think we pull 5 people.
Our clan is older than most of their members.
Media and Comedy / Was Surfing Youtube Again
February 03, 2012, 03:11:51 PM
Guest Lounge / Re: HELLO
February 03, 2012, 01:49:51 PM
.ud Tmaling
Getting stuck behind slow walkers.
Kids who get into my personal space frequently.
Getting stuck behind people blocking the fast lane.
Violin students.
Squat toilets.
People who cut queues.
People who curl at the squat rack.
Liver and kidney meat, which I always end up eating accidentally.
Travellers with no respect for other cultures.
Relatives who grab my muscles in admiration, especially when they do it to my chest.
People who close themselves to information.
When people hate on religion of any kind.
RoT, VR, EoS, and a string of country clans.
Zybez RSC.
People who post the most superfluous shit as Facebook statuses.
Enjoying a hentai until some alien appendage (eg. Tentacle) appears.
The current music industry with all its strategic marketing.
Rebecca Black.
Permed hair.
GP farmers and real world traders.
People who want more than 2 kids just because they like big families, without giving a shit about overpopulation.
People who don't believe in climate change.
People who stand in the middle of busy pedestrian traffic.
Hippies who say they hate corporations but do nothing except listen to shit music and get high.
Cats that act ungrateful, who eat your food, demand your attention, and fuck off whenever they please.
Cats that shit on my property.
Being spoken to in a condescending manner.
Being lectured to by strangers on musical knowledge.
Hotels that charge for internet.
Women with facial hair.
Twilight fanaticism.
People who hoard wealth and are stingy.
The Jobs@Jagex Facebook page.
People who think their country is the best and are over-patriotic.
Peddlers who won't stop hassling you to buy useless shit.
People who disrespect the police force... At least in Australia.
People circulating the djizzlord pics.
Forum spies... I hate them passionately. They corrupt trust within clans.
Sleeping in hard beds.
People who think their reputations don't matter, and do everything (not just on occasion) without caring what people think.
When people chew with their mouths open.
Spoiled rich kids.
Having to be the passenger of a bad driver and not knowing them well enough to criticise them.
Buff men who wear tank tops/singlets casually (excluding exercise). If you're ripped, don't be a manslut. Dress it down.
People who don't care about animal welfare and think of animals as tools for human prosperity.
Feminists who don't think they should be judged by looks. Wake up bitches, attraction is not a choice, that is how men are and we can't do anything about it.
The Westboro Baptist church and similar evangelical groups.
Women leading you all they way into their pants, then getting cold feet and saying no.
Paying to use a toilet. Sometimes I want to shit on the floor in front of the money collectors.
French people who are too proud of their language.
Desperately using a toilet and finding out there's no toilet paper.
Justin Beiber.

I hate a lot of things...

Real Life Discussion / Re: For His_Lordship!
January 28, 2012, 02:41:43 AM
Lol @ dat headband
Real Life Discussion / Re: For His_Lordship!
January 27, 2012, 03:26:35 PM
No way in hell I am posting a before pic, but I will also post a progress pic next month. I have gotten a little soft while on vacation.
Media and Comedy / Re: Amazing RSC Troll
January 19, 2012, 12:51:03 AM
Quote from: Randy on January 18, 2012, 10:43:07 PM
Quote from: His Lordship on January 18, 2012, 10:39:55 PM
Quote from: Randy on January 18, 2012, 10:33:09 PM
he knows he's being trolled derp the can name is all dead clans into one

No lol he doesn't.
Someone else came up with that name and he took it.
He posted this topic on RSB as well, and I'm pretty sure he's legit.
How would a random know about you hosting irl meets

You didn't read the topic. He didn't. He was asking for leadership positions and I offered to be the leader of IRL meeting events.
Everyone else saw the troll and he didn't.