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How to Stay Focus?

Started by viet4life114, April 06, 2012, 04:06:21 AM

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Training in runescape is very boring for a pure and can easily be distracting (especially f2p). Is there any good tips to stay focus or take your mind off the burden? Cause I'm already watching movie while afk training but that still boring.

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get on teamspeak, you can pretty much do anything in rs without it being boring if your talking to fellow clan , if your not a fan of talking there's not much outside of music, videos, and movies. To stop mass grinds though you can set like 30 min play marks or hour play marks and do 1 thing inside that mark then move to another skill or goal and keep constantly changing so you stay active and not become bored easily.

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Learn something like C++ coding while you're training.


Talk in IRC.

Come on teamspeak.

Read a book.

Anything that actively engages your mind will detract from the boredom.


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Thanks, I guess I join TS more often


i recently found that listening to lectures off of itunes university is both educational and keeps your mind awake. pick any subject in your interest and train away :D
"Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible; and then suddenly you are doing the impossible." -St. Francis of Assisi


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