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[color=red][Declined][/color] 2Heli, 100

Started by colink1, August 26, 2013, 03:41:59 AM

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My RuneScape Name: 2Heli
My Previous RSNs: Slapss
My Combat Level: 100
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: ive been playing rs07 for like 2 months now, still leveling up

My past clans/teams and any current teams: i was an ex member of damage inc clan in there about 5 years ago

About me: My names Colin im 20, From united kingdom! im really easy to get along with and an outgoing person im always up for a laugh and meeting new people, im a skilled pker and no how to do it very well,!

I heard about WG through: I Was notified about teamspeak where i met you crazy bunch
I want to join because: i used to be in a clan before i really enjoyed it im now ready to rejoin a different clan and ready to pk and kick some butt!! xD!
i look forward to beign with you guys!

Regarding the IRC, I am: Registered (SwiftKit user)
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity:


Welcome, looking forward to seeing you with us!
"Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible; and then suddenly you are doing the impossible." -St. Francis of Assisi


Runner-up, Best Staff Member, Summer 2012 :-)

RIP other Summer award :<

(Shared w/ Mojo & 7PB)



Hi Colin
You seem like a nice person and welcome to our forums.
At this time you don't have our required woodcutting level.
Starz has offered to do some woodcutting with you.
I cut mages if you want to join me as well.
It shouldn't take you to long.
Good luck and hope this goes fast for you.



New WG Forums


[spoiler=Awards and Older Sigs]




impressive app and rs history, pm me in game or join #wg_lobby and someone will talk to you there.
[img width=472 height=250]http://i.imgur.com/yPcAGIr.gif[/img]

Sig too large. Please reduce.

X Warrior170

Welcome to the WG community, hope to see you around.




Crazy, that would be everybody else but me.   :P


