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money making help

Started by Des-ti-ny, November 03, 2011, 04:47:37 AM

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Ok, so im just getting back to this account after about a yr in hibernation to see that i only have around 9m (including items) =/

So i was wondering, whats a good way to make money now adays in p2p. 

trying to save up for full bandos :D     tho fishing sharks i would obtain full bandos in roughly what.....3 yrs -.-

thank you for any posts tht help :D



I set the standard.


I ask myself (with my 5m bank) the same question everyday.....sorry i cant help =/


Merch/flip, PVM - bosses, slayer, known money makers (drags), skill resources, collect 2nd ingredients....

The options are endless. You'll have bank in no time.


Loot wars. Lol.

Btw, I thought this was the non-runescape discussion forum...

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with bots gone, most repetitive skilling like fishing and wood cutting are going to go up. If you have the time then it might end up being worth it.

"Normal people believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Engineers believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet."

~Scott Adams, The Dilbert Principle


I suggest slaying as well as training your stats it's a good way to get loots and not get bored killing 1 type of monster :D


Ive heard a lot of people saying cannon balls are good profit. They are not great on smithing exp tho. :woeh:


you ever use any of these tips?