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His Lordship

Started by Broken1, February 24, 2012, 02:14:42 AM

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I've done my share of harm to your clan in the past, I'll admit.  Please understand I've always thought you a good leader.  I've certainly had personal issues with your flair for the flamboyant, but that isn't the case this time.  I watched your video @ The Wilderness - An Unauthorised Biography and I've been sincerely moved.  I will post the video on EoS' forums and will support you fully in your actions.

Your solution is the only logical and workable one to the problem pking clans face today.  I don't know what my old name is worth these days, but you can quote me.  I support you in this.


I'm sure he appreciates it.

I am the one who bends!
WG for 7+ years


http://rseos.me/forums/index.php?showtopic=57286 is the post I made on EoS' forums.  I know how those boys can get, but I think they will like the message that the video represents.


Even more moving than the movie itself is how it is bringing together the whole clan world, even current and former enemies.

It is amazing to see that people can actually put personal feelings behind for the good of the clan world. In the end, that might make the difference.

Of course there will still be the select few that need to be internet bad-asses and scoff at His Lordship's work. Deep down though, they know he's right.

Currently busy with:
Western Michigan University
Proud WG member from January 2006 - Fall 2009 and owner of a WG t-shirt


Quote from: Colinwarrior on February 24, 2012, 02:32:52 AM
Even more moving than the movie itself is how it is bringing together the whole clan world, even current and former enemies.

It is amazing to see that people can actually put personal feelings behind for the good of the clan world. In the end, that might make the difference.
I never planned on letting EoS or WG know my original identity.  For EoS I was mainly worried they'd bug me to pk, but for you guys...  I hope my negative history with WG won't stop you from accepting fights with AS.  A nice relaxing RSB clan is perfect for my irl atm, lol.


Quote from: Colinwarrior on February 24, 2012, 02:32:52 AM
Even more moving than the movie itself is how it is bringing together the whole clan world, even current and former enemies.

It is amazing to see that people can actually put personal feelings behind for the good of the clan world. In the end, that might make the difference.

Of course there will still be the select few that need to be internet bad-asses and scoff at His Lordship's work. Deep down though, they know he's right.

It's pretty exciting. Hopefully by standing together and presenting a united front to Jagex, we will stand a better chance. Thanks for your support Broken.
Proud to have served as the leader of the Wilderness Guardians.


Who would have thought it...  The clan that created the anti-pk movement would in then end work to protect pking.  It's beautiful in it's harmony.

PS: please delete the triple post, I seem to be having issues quoting.


Quote from: Broken1 on February 24, 2012, 03:29:22 AM
Who would have thought it...  The clan that created the anti-pk movement would in then end work to protect pking.  It's beautiful in it's harmony.

Wow, I never thought about it like that. That is actually quite amazing.


It really is a great video


wow i never knew you were eos! I'm glad you watched the video.

anyway, we will still be fighting AS don't worry ;)
New WG Forums


[spoiler=Awards and Older Sigs]


His Lordship

Hey dude,

There is no bad blood between old schoolers.
We both know what was lost and we both miss it dearly.

I've only ever hated you in the way a brother hates a brother.
We disagreed on many things, but as PVP advocates we are still family.

Your support is most appreciated, and as mentioned above, I am humbled by your moves to help unify the disparities.

Thanks. Very, very much.


I have to lol about the EoS topic, seems like everyone hates on Gene because he's trying to promote WG and himself and they hate it..
My reaction when I look in the refrigerator but can't find anything I want to eat


Quote from: His Lordship on February 24, 2012, 01:50:20 PM
I am humbled
Really?  Hehehe hard to imagine ;)

Quote from: Toby on February 24, 2012, 03:39:40 PM
I have to lol about the EoS topic, seems like everyone hates on Gene because he's trying to promote WG and himself and they hate it..
Yeah...  They've gotten pretty E-thug over the years.  I've gotten a few that have appreciated the video over there though.


This shows how much that the true wilderness is the circle of life, Jagex must realize without this circle all will be dead.


Quote from: Dorcha3377 on February 26, 2012, 01:21:01 AM
This shows how much that the true wilderness is the circle of life, Jagex must realize without this circle all will be dead.

I set the standard.


I took the time to go and read the thread on the EoS forums, I have a lot of respect for your point of view and the graceful way you handled yourself amoungst all the negativity. I think you coming here is awesome, and we all thank you for comments and the feelings you expressed from your heart.

This isnt just about honor or no honor it is about something we all love dying and us trying like hell to save it.


Yeah, you handled yourself well amongst all the E-hard faggots over at EoS.

It's sad that those kids' lives are so pathetic that they have to act like a thug while talking about Runescape and clans. I actually pity them.

Currently busy with:
Western Michigan University
Proud WG member from January 2006 - Fall 2009 and owner of a WG t-shirt


Quote from: Colinwarrior on February 26, 2012, 09:23:49 PM
Yeah, you handled yourself well amongst all the E-hard faggots over at EoS.

It's sad that those kids' lives are so pathetic that they have to at like a thug while talking about Runescape and clans. I actually pity them.
Here since 2010 - Retired in 2013

Goodwill is no easy symbol of good wishes. It is an immeasurable and tremendous energy, the atomic energy of the spirit.

Disclaimer: Most things I say are either sarcastic or dark humour, don't take what I say seriously.


Quote from: Panda|Vulcan on February 26, 2012, 09:52:12 PM
Quote from: Colinwarrior on February 26, 2012, 09:23:49 PM
Yeah, you handled yourself well amongst all the E-hard faggots over at EoS.

It's sad that those kids' lives are so pathetic that they have to at like a thug while talking about Runescape and clans. I actually pity them.


Lol  ##

Currently busy with:
Western Michigan University
Proud WG member from January 2006 - Fall 2009 and owner of a WG t-shirt


[quote name='Broken1' timestamp='1330324868' post='927372']
[quote name='Decker' timestamp='1330318206' post='927355']
jagex fucked up and made the game shit.
For the old pking clans.
[quote name='Decker' timestamp='1330318206' post='927355']
in turn a lot of people quit and started playing other games while the amount of new players couldn't hold up to the amount of people leaving.
guilty as charged, sorry guys.
[quote name='Decker' timestamp='1330318206' post='927355']
however many years later they end up reverting the wilderness back to how it used to be and all those people that quit because the enjoyment of pking dwindled didn't return and now the top pking clans are 1/3 of the size they used to be.
Amen brother.
[quote name='Decker' timestamp='1330318206' post='927355']
yes, there are many more clans in general, but how many of these clans are really pking based?
A tiny tiny percentage of dwindling clans.  Too bad those other guys have no reason to visit f2p wildy, right?  :(

I think I'm done over there.  No argument left I haven't given my opposition to.  Vid was at a bit over 700 views when I posted.  Thx guys for the early warning on the explosion.  Those spammers earlier must feel silly (I hope).  I'll say now...  70k views since then.  The video has over 9k likes.  Lordy, you fucking rock.

but, Lordy...  you should have not argued about the magers not risking as much. IMO.  Those runes cost money and don't always kill.  If one guy with runes can kill a fully armed warrior then that warrior deserves to die for not knowing how to survive a 3 opt pile.


Apparently my quotes fail me.  Spam much Dumu?  Yessah, Isuh sorry.


Thank you very much for the support. 
I also read your other post and can appreciate what you did.
That was brave knowing you would get the responses you did.

"A brave man is a man who dares to look the Devil in the face and tell him he is a Devil." 
                                         Quote of  James A. Garfield